In this post we’ll chat thru…

① What is BURNOUT?
② 3 ways you can incorporate SELF CARE to battle BURNOUT.
③ Why REST + BREAKS are important, too.


We’re ONE WEEK away from the launch of FALL in The Sisterhood Membership. And all month long in honor of our theme this season - BEYOND BURNOUT - I’m focusing on helping guide you thru all things overwhelm, stress, burnout, and busy.

Quick SIDE NOTE before we dive in… 😜

We only open The Sisterhood Membership FOUR times a year and September 1st - 10th is ONE of those times. If you want to be FIRST in the KNOW when enrollment opens on September 1st, be sure to click on the link below to get on the wait list.

This season we are going BEYOND BURNOUT.

Recovering from chronic stress.
Recharging our spirits.
And reclaiming control in our lives for what matters most.


Like I said…the window to join is only a few days and it only happens four times a year so I wanted to make sure I mentioned it first thing. If this topic is resonating with you I promise you that you’ll LOVE this season in the membership so tap the link below for all the details.


Okay let’s dive into today’s topic…SELF CARE for BURNOUT

First…I want us to understand the NEED for self care when it comes to all things stress, overwhelm, and burnout. It goes BEYOND the bubble baths. We’ve been chatting all month long in this space about the stress cycle, how to release stress when it inevitably comes up, creating CALM in your home environment, and how to break up with busy to live a life you are in CONTROL of. Shameless plug to go check out any of those episodes/blogs if you missed them…

But today I want to give some tangible ways you can utilize regular SELF CARE when you’re in seasons of chronic stress and burnout.


First things first, let's talk about what burnout actually is.

You know that feeling when you're just drained…when you’re physically and emotionally and mentally exhausted? That's burnout.

It's like your body's way of waving a red flag, saying "Hey girl…slow down…take care of yourself…you’re about to burst."

In my life this looks like constant fatigue, a lack of motivation, and even headaches that just won't go away. The headaches esp are BIG RED FLAGS for me. But it could look different for you. Other signs of burnout might look like decreased productivity, feelings of cynicism or detachment, and even physical symptoms like headaches and insomnia. So many times in my life I just POWER THRU those symptoms and maybe you too, but that’s not serving us sis. Being aware of your body’s signals can help you take proactive steps to prevent burnout.

Here's the deal. Self-care isn't some fancy term reserved for spa days and bubble baths. What I love to teach is that it goes BEYOND the bubble baths. It's a fundamental necessity. And I know our community is made up of hard working, purpose driven women. Maybe you’re the goal driven woman…or the woman who wants to be an awesome example…or the woman who is trying to level up in life…or even the woman wearing all the hats…I know that’s you. It’s you bc it’s also me. And so I know that as women wired this way…we tend to put ourselves on the back burner and this is where burnout thrives. In my life and in yours.

So it’s time we try a different way.

I love to tell the women I work with…IT CAN BE BOTH. You can be that hard working woman AND you can take care of yourself. You can be that purpose driven woman AND put yourself on your to-do list. It can be both. Burnout doesn’t have to be our norm. Deal?

I’m going to break down THREE areas of self care where burnout lingers when we don’t have tools in our toolbox to combat it. I want to walk thru what it looks like PHYSICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, and MENTALLY to build resilience against burnout. Whether you’re at the brink of it…in the thick of it…or simply don’t want to even arrive at it.


It all starts with your body. And there’s three things I want you to focus on every day:

  • EAT LIKE YOU LOVE YOURSELF: This isn’t about diets. It's about giving your body the fuel it needs to keep going. What foods make you FEEL your best? When do you have the MOST energy? When you feel the most confident and strong, how are you nourishing your body? Eat like that.

  • MOVE YOUR BODY: Regular exercise does wonders, ya’ll. Releasing those feel-good endorphins and kicking stress to the curb. We talked about this when I walked you thru 7 ways to release stress and it stands to point out again. Moving your body (in ways that feel good for YOU) helps close the stress cycle loop.

  • GO TO SLEEP: Seriously….don't skimp on this. I recently got an Oura ring and have been tracking my sleep and it’s SO eye opening, ya’ll. A good night's sleep is like hitting the reset button for your mind and body. So much goodness happens when our body is asleep so if you’ve been feeling uber stressed…getting into a routine that prioritizes sleep is ESSENTIAL for you. PS…here’s a link for $40 off if you’re interested in getting an Oura ring.


Emotions are a big part of the burnout battle. I find when I’m super stressed and in seasons of battling burnout my emotions are all over the place. Here are some game changers that work for me:

  • MEDITATE: Practicing mindfulness and meditation can help you manage stress, reduce anxiety, and foster emotional resilience. It’s been a GAME CHANGER for me this year. I love putting on an app and having someone guide me for 10 min at a time to produce more calm in my life.

  • GET LOST IN FUN: Engaging in creative/fun activities you enjoy, like painting, writing, or playing music, can provide an emotional outlet and serve as a form of self-expression. I’ve been loving escaping in DIY projects + getting creative with designing our new space but I also love grabbing a fiction book at the end of the day to help my mind wind down. When’s the last time you had FUN with no agenda? I challenge you to get back to that space ASAP sis.

  • SPEND TIME WITH PEOPLE YOU LOVE: This one is HUGE ya’ll. Spending time with loved ones, friends, and support networks can offer emotional support and a sense of belonging. In our busiest seasons when burnout can begin to seep in…many times we’ve neglected relationships so use this as your sign to plan a girls night, date night, or even a zoom game night with family far away.


One of the things I often remind the women I’m working with is that the HEAVIEST WEIGHT YOU WILL EVER CARRY IS THE WEIGHT BETWEEN YOUR EARS. Our mindset is like a muscle and it needs REPS to strengthen it, friends. A few ways I build this muscle every day are:

  • 10 PAGES/MIN DAILY: This is a rule I live by. Everyday I listen to 10 minutes of a podcast OR read 10 pgs of a book that will help me GROW as a human. Whatever area YOU want to grow in or learn about…there’s a RESOURCE out there for you.

  • DITCH YOUR DEVICE: Our phones are super handy ya’ll and I get that we can access anything at anytime with the click of a button. But just bc we CAN doesn’t mean we SHOULD. One habit I noticed that wasn’t serving me was grabbing my phone right when I woke up and scrolling it as the last thing before I fell asleep. So I adopted a strategy that helps get me off my phone by book ending my day device free. First thing in the morning and last thing at night I challenge you to BOOK END your day with no device. When you wake up…what if you heard YOUR THOUGHTS before you saw the thoughts of others? Before you go to bed…what if you reflected on YOUR DAY without comparing it to Susie on TicTok’s?

  • REMEMBER THAT NO IS A SENTENCE: I know saying NO can be challenging. I get it bc I was a chronic YES, girl. I said YES to everyone and everything and it left me EMPTY and TIRED. Setting healthy boundaries helps prevent overextending yourself. The thing that helps me MOST is my CALENDAR/PLANNER. Knowing what’s on my daily plan helps me put ME on it, too and say NO if life is just TOO jam packed.


Okay one more for the road…It's not all about constant hustle. I’m RE LEARNING how to go after my big goals in this new season WITHOUT the hustle culture mentality that’s driven me to burnout in the past. Two things I’ve adopted lately are:

  • MINI BREAKS: As best as you can…incorporating short breaks throughout your day to step away from work or responsibilities and recharge is EVERYTHING. As a teacher this looked like getting out of my classroom and walking to the office. Our school was outside so it allowed me to get a little fresh air too! Now that I work from home, this looks like sitting on my back patio at lunch and taking dog walks to break up the day.

  • TAKE DAYS OFF: Hear me out…what if you took a DAY every week to only do things you DELIGHT in? A year ago I read a book called The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry and it ROCKED my WORLD in the best way possible. The author talks about taking a weekly Sabbath and I love the way he describes it…not like some religious ritual…but a day where you do the things you DELIGHT in. A day where you LIVE. Phones off. Yep…like completely off. No email or work. And just a day of LIVING and CONNECTING with the world around you. I know it sounds crazy to turn your phone off but I DARE YOU if you’ve never tried it. It’s really freaking freeing. And if that’s too much, too soon…what if you simply did a SOCIAL MEDIA FREE day where you didn’t log into any apps but stayed present in the moment LIVING your LIFE?!


In a world that often glorifies the constant hustle, what if you rebelled against that and did life a little different? Self-care isn't selfish—it's self-preservation SO you can go out into the world and use your highest self to do GREAT WORK. To love and serve others WELL…not from a tired and burnout out space. That’s what I’m all about in this space.

Prioritizing your well-being through self-care strategies not only helps you overcome burnout but also empowers you to lead a healthier, more fulfilling life. By recognizing the signs of burnout, nurturing your physical, emotional, and mental health, and allowing yourself breaks and relaxation, you're taking essential steps toward a more balanced and resilient you. And that version of you?! She looks GOOD on you, sis.

Self-care is an ongoing process and finding what works best for YOU might take time + tweaking. Be patient with yourself and celebrate the progress you make along the way bc YOU matter…and YOU ARE WORTH the time + effort it takes to feel your best.

Forever and always rooting for you. Until next week…get out there and TAKE CARE OF YOU so that you can go out into the world and LOVE + SERVE from that overflow.

SIDE NOTE: If today’s post spoke to you and you’re ready to…

▫️stop living overwhelmed, stressed, and on the brink of burn out…

▫️implement healthy ways to cope with the daily (inevitable) stress in your life…

▫️gain clarity + focus + intention on what truly matters MOST to you in this season…

▫️and do it all surrounded by a group of women who GET YOU + are on JOURNEY WITH YOU…

Then tap below to get on the WAITLIST so you’re first to know when we open up registration.

I can’t WAIT to welcome you in. 🤍


PS…This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.


4 BOUNDARIES that are game changers for GROWTH 🌱


How to BREAK UP with BUSY