how to get UNSTUCK + finish the year STRONG đŸ‘ŠđŸŒ

In today’s post we’ll chat thru

① What MOST PEOPLE tend to do this time of year + why you’re DIFFERENT.
② How to CHECK YOUR HABITS + do a little AUDIT to get UNSTUCK.
⑱ Why SMALL TWEAKS are going to help you have sustainable success.
④ And how to make PROGRESS even if your SURROUNDINGS aren’t SUPPORTIVE.


Happy FINAL WEDNESDAY of Q3 my friends!!! We have ONE QUARTER of the year left
isn’t that wild?!

One of the things we LOVE around here in The Self Care Sisterhood community is taking a moment each month to hit pause and do a check in. It’s actually one of the exercises I do in REAL TIME in The Sisterhood Membership space. We REFLECT + CONNECT with the past month. And then PREP + VISUALIZE what’s ahead and the moves we wanna make.

But if you’ve followed this podcast since the beginning you’ll know I love a good QUARTERLY CHECK IN around here. IDK what it is about the fall but time and time again I see it with the women I work with


  • We gravitate BACK TO HABITS that no longer serve us.

  • We believe the lie that it can't be BOTH. For example
you can’t be busy AND take care of yourself. That’s just untrue. It can be both.

  • We count ourselves out without really knowing what we’re capable of.

  • We delay our success by waiting for the New Year.

  • We act like we don't have a choice. But friends
everything's a choice...not choosing is choosing.

we both know that a New Year is not a given
life is happening RIGHT NOW and you can make PROGRESS no matter the calendar date.

And. we both know that those patterns aren’t really serving you.

So let’s dig into a DIFFERENT pattern in this final quarter of the year. Let’s get UNSTUCK + make some moves towards what matters most to us
BEFORE THE BALL DROPS. Self care in this space is all about taking DEEP OWNERSHIP + RESPONSIBILITY over your life and if you’ve been feeling stuck that’s like a RED LIGHT indicator that something is off so today I wanna help you slow down and maybe see where some shifts can happen so that we can finish 2023 confident of all we became, did, and grew into this year. I have three areas I want to nudge you to focus on that will be helpful
esp if you’ve been feeling a little stuck but you so desperately want to finish this year STRONG.


Life is all about your routines and habits. And here’s the deal
routines that once made us feel like we were freaking CRUSHING IT can actually become a rut that makes us feel like we’re stuck. There’s a fine line between a ROUTINE and a RUT so it’s a little tricky and it’s where I find a lot of people get stuck. They’re “doing” the things that once helped them make progress
yet they aren’t moving the needle.

I’ve been there. I’ve had ruts in terms of my morning routine. I’ve had ruts in regards to my business goals. I’ve had ruts when it’s come to my workouts. What was once a routine that served my highest self became a rut that made me feel like I wasn’t making much progress. And those have been HUGE SIGNS for me that it’s time to switch something up.

Routines ARE your secret sauce for success. So as we head into the final quarter of the year
I want to encourage you to embrace routines and habits that ground you, make your day smoother, and help you become the best version of YOU. It's that morning me time that grounds you for the day. Or your afternoon walk that helps you release the stress of the day. It’s a night time tidy routine that helps you ease into the next day. Or a weekend prep and reset that sets your weeks up for success.

But let’s talk about the fine line between a routine that is propelling you forward and a rut that is keeping you stuck.

You probably know when you're in a rut. It doesn’t feel like progress. Instead it feels like SAMENESS every day and it’s DRAINING for your spirit.

Simply put

routines = progress

ruts = stuck.

As we head into the final stretch of 2023 let’s do a HABIT AUDIT. I love to ask a few Q’s:

What habits are leading you closer to your goals?

We don’t celebrate ourselves enough ladies. So we’re gonna start with where we ARE getting it right. What habits are currently in sync with your goals? These are the ones that, when you do them consistently, make you feel confident. Maybe it’s the daily walk you take? Or therapy you schedule once per month? Maybe it’s your weekly Bible Study. Maybe it’s that you increased your business earnings this year or you stepped out in faith + action towards a dream on your heart. Maybe you’ve said BYE to diets and started cooking at home again or it could be the gym membership you still use. Whatever it is

What habits are moving you away?

Next let’s get honest about the habits that aren’t actually serving the direction you desire. These are the ones that deep down you KNOW are not helping you level up. It could be your social media scroll, hitting snooze every day on your life, the way you speak to yourself, or that glass of wine every night when you wind down. Acknowledging the habits that are no longer serving you is the first step to getting unstuck.

Keep in mind that something that ONCE SERVED YOU might now have you feeling stuck. ROUTINES CAN BECOME RUTS.

As you grow it’s okay
it’s actually ESSENTIAL
that your goals grow + evolve, too. And when your GOALS grow
your HABITS + ROUTINES need to follow + evolve with them. A habit that served you in one season might need a makeover and that’s called GROWTH. So don't be afraid to give them a facelift to better suit your current dreams + vision.

Last note that I wanna DRIVE HOME when checking your habits is that most of the habits that will GROW + SUPPORT your best self are what a mentor of mine called TNT.

Meaning. They TAKE. NO. TALENT.

Friends. Habits tend to require zero talent. Consistency requires ZERO talent. Showing up takes. no. talent. Seriously
it’s about making choices and sticking with them. Most of the habits you track aren't just building your goals; they're shaping your LIFE
your CHARACTER. It's kinda wild when you think about it. So let’s stop putting habits on this pedestal like it’s too hard for you. It takes no talent to scroll social media or binge watch Netflix or pour that glass of wine. It’s simply something we’ve put on REPEAT. And yet those are habits that have shaped my life at certain points.

THE UNCOMFY PART IS THAT checking your habits requires choosing CHANGE over STAGNATION.

But friends. Truth love. What you're not changing, you're choosing. Every day is a chance to make choices that are in alignment with your goals. Embrace that power of choice and swap out anything that has become a rut for habits that move you in the direction of your desires.


I know it can be tempting to want to go ALL IN and make major changes when we sense something is off. In my life this has never served me. I’ve always seen the most SUSTAINABLE success when I make SMALL TWEAKS to what I’m already doing.

This has looked like đŸ‘‡đŸŒ

▫going meatless on Monday’s instead of full on vegetarian when I first began to explore the idea

▫swapping out sugary coffee drinks for healthier homemade options instead of removing all sugar from my life

▫going from NEVER working out to adding in 3 or 4 30 min workouts / week instead of a full on 7 day per week 2 hour gym routine

▫and even in my spiritual journey
it started with Joel Osteen on TV each week before diving fully into a church and small groups and studying the Bible.

All real things I’ve done in my own life that show it doesn’t have to be this ALL or NOTHING mentality. That’s often what causes us to get stuck in the first place. In our physical journeys sure
but in everything. That dream on your heart that you never share with anyone bc you feel like you don’t have all the tools or talents to pull it off. That business you wanted to start but fear kept you playing small with one foot in and one foot out, so it never really took off. That desire to dive into your spirituality but you weren’t as “pure” + “joyfilled” as that other girl was so it felt like it wasn’t for you.

All or nothing is killing all of that in your life. Friends. You’re allowed to START SMALL. You’re allowed to GROW BIT BY BIT. You’re allowed to do things IMPERFECTLY. Sometimes all we need is a tiny adjustment to help us gain momentum.

SO. What habits aren't serving YOU IN this season? What needs a small tweak?

Whatever those small tweaks are
here's your permission slip to shake things up:

  • Set the alarm for 30 minutes earlier or later to match your body's natural rhythm.

  • Use your lunch break as a creative space to work on your passion project.

  • Dedicate 30 minutes on Sunday to map out your game plan for the week ahead.

  • Embrace the cooler weather by moving your workouts outdoors and enjoying the fresh air or trying something new.

  • Take the leap + sign up for that course or membership that's been calling your name or that you KNOW will help take you to the next level.

  • Try podcasts instead of physical books to help you grow or vice versa.

That thing on your heart? Those goals you have? They aren’t just goals. They’re the catalyst to help you grow into the next best version of YOU. Every goal I’ve had has taken me on a JOURNEY. And that journey requires CHANGE.

And that "meh" feeling you've been having? Think of it like a check engine light for your soul. It's telling you to pay attention and give yourself what YOU NEED so you can continue to make moves. And often
what you need isn’t monumental. It’s a small tweak.


Have you ever heard the saying, "You’re the sum of the five people you spend the most time with"?

I’ve talked about it here in this space before but as we pause and reflect I think it's a powerful reminder that the people you surround yourself with can have a profound impact on your habits, routines, + behaviors.

Attitudes are contagious. And YES
so are habits.

Ever notice how spending time with positive, motivated individuals can leave you feeling refreshed and inspired? That's because attitudes are contagious. When you're in the company of people who are passionate about growing and making progress, their energy can rub off on you.

Think about the space you're in right now and who is a part of that. If you're surrounded by people who are on a mission to level up their lives, you're probably inspired to do the same. This kind of circle can radiate positivity, passion, and a drive for being your BEST SELF. My friends who are pursuing purpose + impact INSPIRE me, MOTIVATE me, and PROVIDE SUPPORT when I need it in my own journey. And my hope is that this podcast space can provide that for you, too
esp if you don’t physically have it.

Bc that’s exactly where things can get a little sticky.

It's OUTSIDE of those supportive spaces where you most likely encounter challenges. Maybe you have friends, family members, or coworkers whose attitudes and habits just aren't aligned with your goals or vision for your life. And it’s tough
esp as we creep into the holiday season
bc most of us can’t just remove them from our lives completely
nor do we necessarily want to, right?

This is where it’s ESSENTIAL that consider what we’re CLINGING to. I’ve had to do this so many times in my life when my inner circles aren’t moving me forward. I have to CLING TO THE COATTAILS OF WOMEN WHO ARE MOVING IN THE DIRECTION I DESIRE. I like to call them mentors from afar and they’ve been everything for me in these seasons. They’ve taught me how to SHOW UP + OWN the life I’m creating, unapologetically. And it’s rubbed off to the point that I can pass it along to other women.

Positive habits others’ have rubbed off look like đŸ‘‡đŸŒ

▫my morning routine

▫my spiritual journey

▫healing + getting into therapy

▫good rest
slowing down
living with intention

▫being mindful of what I’m consuming (mostly with my eyes + ears)

▫boundaries + discipline over my life

▫keeping my priorities as a top focus for my YES / day to day


It’s all in what you’re clinging to. And. Just a random thought

But if you don’t have the person leading you to level up
what if YOU became that person in your circle? Maybe God is calling you to be an EXAMPLE for others bc you don’t have it for yourself. I mean
it has to START WITH ONE
why not be the one who ignites that fire for others? Just some food for thought

As we wrap up
I know you made it this far bc you are feeling STUCK. And I also know you made it this far bc you DESPERATELY DESIRE to finish the year STRONG. Sis. You’re doing amazing. Maybe no one has reminded you of that truth lately. That you are GROWING and that GROWTH IS STICKY. It requires navigating what’s no longer serving us on the path to our purpose. And that’s not easy stuff. So yeah
growth looks good on you. But I’ve also been adding a little caveat to that lately

so does GRACE.

Give yourself GRACE as you navigate this path. You’ve never done it before.

I LOVE that you’re taking this pause to reset before heading into Q4. If you’re the journaling type
maybe set some time aside in your morning routine to consider




Feeling stuck is a common experience
esp for us high achievers who so desperately want to go out into our worlds and love + serve others well. But just bc you feel stuck today it doesn't mean that’s how the year has to end. By doing a little habit check, making small tweaks to anything that is no longer serving your journey, and getting really honest about your surroundings
I promise you can regain your momentum and finish the year strong. Truthfully
momentum and getting unstuck require ACTION. So what can you do TODAY that will move in in the direction of your desires BEFORE THE BALL DROPS?!

Remember that change takes time. I know we want to get to that finish line so bad, but friends
who you’re BECOMING in the process is the PRIZE. So be patient with yourself. Offer the grace you offer so freely to others to YOURSELF. And remember to get out there this week and TAKE CARE OF YOU so that you can go out into your world and love + serve others from that space of overflow. I’m always rooting for you and I can’t wait to hear + see how taking action and finishing this year STRONG. Do me a favor and screenshot this episode and tag me @inspirebeautybritt with your light bulb / fist pumping moments so I can celebrate WITH YOU. đŸ–€đŸ€ŸđŸŒ


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create what you CRAVE đŸ€ŸđŸŒ


PREP + RESET your routine for FALL 🍂