PREP + RESET your routine for FALL 🍂

In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

① The changing of the seasons + why it’s a GREAT time to make some shifts, esp in your WELLNESS ROUTINE.
② 5 shifts you can make to give your wellness routine a little RESET for FALL.


Okay friends…I’m not going to say I love fall BEST bc I straight up LOVE warm weather and you will NEVER see me wish away the long summer days and sunshine…but I DO love the fall. There’s something about leaves changing, the air cooling, pumpkin spice everything, pumpkin patches and apple picking, and Trader Joe’s fall VIBES that I’m here for. And with the official first day of fall upon us, I figured it would be the PERFECT time to do a little check in and revamp our wellness routine so it aligns with the fall season.

Just as nature undergoes its transformations, your body and mind can benefit from some adjustments as well. Fall offers unique opportunities to nourish your well-being and prepare for the colder months ahead. So today I wanna explore five shifts you can make to give your wellness routine a little RESET for fall.

1. Embrace Seasonal Foods.

IDK about you but I’m a foodie. Like grocery haul Fridays are a ME TIME that is sacred to me. And as seasons shift…the foods ALSO shift with it.

One of the BEST PARTS of fall is the abundance of delicious, seasonal produce…think apples, pumpkin, spaghetti squash, brussel sprouts, sweet potatoes. I’m literally drooling ha!

Eating IN SEASON is actually better for you. Here’s why:

  1. Seasonal produce is more flavorful + fresher.

  2. The fruits and veggies are more nutritious bc they are picked at the peak of their development.

  3. They support our bodies natural nutritional needs.

  4. It’s environmentally friendly…and

  5. It saves you money bc in season produce is usually what you’ll see on sale.

Some easy ways I do this is by swapping out my summer salads for hearty soups and chili’s made with squash, sweet potatoes, and other fall vegetables. I love to ditch noodles in the fall and use spaghetti squash as a base. Instead of watermelon and stone fruits I use apples, pears, and cranberries in my snacks, side dishes, and salad toppings.

2. Adjust Your Exercise Routine.

Fall presents one of my FAVE opportunities to switch up my exercise routine. The cooler weather makes outdoor activities like hiking, biking, and jogging more comfortable. Think TURKEY TROT training. It’s my favorite time to get out there and just enjoy fresh air.

You can also take advantage of the stunning colors of fall by exploring local parks and nature trails. And if you prefer indoor workouts, consider dusting off your sneakers and black leggings and sign up for a new fitness class or revive your yoga practice.

I think fall is one of the EASIEST times to get into new workout routines bc with back to school we’re often seeking opportunities to get back into routines, too. Lean into this and find what works for you. Staying active in the fall can boost your mood, keep your energy levels up, and help you manage stress esp as we inch closer to the holidays.

3. Prioritize Self-Care.

Now here’s the deal. If you’re a Self Care SISTER than you already know that self care deserves a space woven into your day to day. But I get it…we fall in and out of rhythms when it comes to placing ourselves on our to-do list. So this is my gentle reminder that YOU deserve to be on that list and a shifting season is the PERFECT time to hop back into a routine of regularly checking in with yourself.

Remember. This goes BEYOND BUBBLE BATHS in this space. With the hustle and bustle of daily life, it's easy to forget to take care of yourself. So this fall, let’s vow to make self-care a priority.

Set aside time for relaxation and pampering, absolutely. Some of my fave ways for this in the fall include a warm bath with soothing essential oils + a fall scented candle burning, getting a fall inspired mani/pedi, indulging in a cozy night in with a new fiction book, or treating yourself to a fall inspired coffee shop date.

But don’t stop there. Self-care isn't just about physical relaxation…it's ALSO about nurturing your mental and emotional well-being. So checking in and asking “HOW AM I DOING…like REALLY?” is essential. What would bring more JOY to your fall? What would bring more EASE? What would release a BURDEN you’re carrying? Is there anything that needs to be laid down that doesn’t need to come into this new season with you? Any rhythms you need to adopt? This is the time to take that inventory and honor yourSELF with your YES.

4. Consider Your AM + PM Routines.

Fall is THE perfect time to get back into a routine, friends.

As the longer, more lax days of summer come to an end it can be really helpful to consider what the book ends of your days look like. For me…a morning routine is EVERYTHING and it helps me set my days up for success. But also…an evening routine shifts, too as the days become shorter and the sunsets earlier.

First let’s chat about MORNING ROUTINES.

One of the BEST ways to start your day is with intention. For me this looks like:

  • Winning my morning with the 4 G’s - god, goals, growth, gratitude.

  • Enjoying a warm americano or pumpkin spice latte.

  • Getting outside to soak in cooler autumn air + a warm sunrise.

  • And moving my body in some meaningful way.


An evening routine is all about how you can wind down, create calm, and set yourself up for success for the following day. For me this looks like:

  • tidying up the house so that it’s reset for the am

  • checking in with my planner and looking ahead at what’s on the schedule for the following day

  • a warm bath with fall scented candles and a good murder mystery book

  • practicing gentle yin yoga to help relax and prep for a restful night's sleep

Having a structured routine can provide a sense of stability and control in your life. And for me I THRIVE when I’m in a routine that serves my best self. So play around and find what works for you in this new season.

5. Set Some New Goals.

The changing of seasons provides a natural opportunity for self-reflection and goal-setting. This is where the FOCUS + INTENTIONALITY I preach about in this space comes into play.

What IS your focus for this season? What IS your intention as the holidays come? When we can actually PIN POINT this and then OWN IT we are more able to actually show up to it in our habits, routines, and behaviors.

Take some time to assess your progress towards the goals you’ve set for yourself this year and don’t be afraid to set new ones if you’ve either met those goals already (YAY YOU!) or you’ve simply decided that those goals are no longer in alignment with where you’re heading (ALSO YAY YOU!). Whether it's committing to a morning routine, working on a new skill, getting back into a fitness routine, being a kinder mama or wife, building that passion project that’s laid on your heart, or any other goals / dreams you have laid on your heart…setting clear objectives can provide motivation, clarity, AND direction for your journey this season.

And that translates to GROWTH and you know what I’m gonna say…


So to wrap up…I just want to remind you…

As the fall begins to unfold, remember that wellness, growth, creating those things you crave, going after a life you freaking LOVE…it’s an ONGOING journey. And along the way it's ESSENTIAL to shift + adapt your routine to align with the changing seasons.

By embracing seasonal foods, adjusting your exercise routine, prioritizing self-care, establishing some new routines, and revisiting + setting fresh goals…you can give your journey a much-needed makeover for fall. These changes will not only help you stay healthy - mind, body, and spirit…but will also allow you to fully appreciate the beauty and transformation that autumn brings.

So. This week. Pause. Take a deep breath. Get outside. Ask yourself what YOU NEED moving into this new season. And then welcome the fall with open arms and a revitalized spirit. Forever and always rooting for you.


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