create what you CRAVE 🤟🏼

In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

â‘  How my DREAM JOB out of college opened my eyes to CREATE what I CRAVE
② How to DECIDE + DEFINE what it is you actually DESIRE


Hey friends! Today I wanna take you back a little….back before I started my podcast and this community…before I dove into health and fitness coaching. Before all of that.

For those of you who don’t know…I was an elementary school teacher coming out of college. It was my DREAM JOB, ya’ll. The one that I spent my entire youth thinking about.

I wasn’t the type of girl who didn’t know what she wanted to be when she grew up. Whenever anyone asked i would proudly reply “a teacher.” My mom was a teacher. My dad was a teacher. I loved school. The smell of it. The routine of it. Learning. Growing. Trying. All of it. I was born to be a teacher. So much so that I spent most of my time AFTER school as a little girl tucked away in my bedroom playing school. I’d line up the rows of imaginary students and stand proudly in front of them with an old copy of a teachers manual my mom gave to me and teach.

I loved it.

And there was NO DOUBT that this was my path.

I’ll never forget the moment I got my first teaching job. I graduated in Michigan and getting a job in education was really tricky at that time. I knew if I wanted to get my own position I’d have to leave the state. IDK why Florida appealed to me (probably the weather + the beaches) but I found myself flying to a job fair in Tampa to see if I could lock in a job.

A few booths later I was shaking hands with someone from Miami-Dade County Public schools and the rest of the summer I spent packing and prepping to move to Miami. I drove my red Ford Mustang down I-75 from Detroit all the way to Miami and the next morning got myself to the board office to get placed in the district.

By lunchtime they had sent me to my assignment. 2nd grade at Citrus Grove Elementary. I walked into their “back to school” in-service and on a break went up to the principal to introduce myself. She gave me a once over and handed me the keys to my room. It was wild, ya’ll. Never did I expect this was how I would get a job.

I’ll never forget walking into the classroom. The teacher’s desk was turned upside down in the middle of an empty room. There weren’t any student desks in there (which I later learned I’d have to go and steal from various other rooms after hours). And the one thing I vividly remember thinking was “wow…there’s no alphabet along the ceiling…does that mean I have to go and buy it.”

Ya’ll. No books. No stations or equipment. I think I had maybe one computer that I could put together with mismatched pieces. Like nothing. I had nothing in that space. And I learned that THIS is the reality of public education.

I worked in that school for 2 years always praying they didn’t transfer me because I was so low on the totum pole. But it happened. Two months into my 3rd year they had their annual budget meeting and because the numbers were lower, my position was no longer necessary. They took the students I started the year with and displaced them into other rooms and I was sent to another school. And that was my reality. Every year I had to worry that two months into the year I would lose my position and get relocated.

And the heartbreaking thing was that THIS was supposed to be my path. This was the THING that I longed for my whole life. The thing that I KNEW I was good at and created for. But the reality was…most days I would sit in my classroom at the end of the day…worn out and exhausted…and wonder “is this it?”

I had this elephant on my chest that this couldn’t possibly be it. I knew I was made for more than the life I was currently living. And hear my heart…I LOVE TEACHING. I AM A TEACHER. It’s what I do in this space. But for me…I knew I wasn’t living up to my God-given calling and purpose. I knew there was more out there for me.

It was at that time I realized that if I wanted something…if I craved something…no one was going to come and rescue me and do the work for me. I realized that I had to CREATE WHAT I CRAVED.

I’d learn this lesson over and over again in so many other spaces in my life.

If I CRAVED friends…I’d have to CREATE the friend circle.

If I CRAVED a loving + inviting home…I’d have to CREATE that.

If I CRAVED to be healthy + fit…I’d have to CREATE the routine that would help me get there.

If I CRAVED a job that offered me freedom + choice…I’d have to get out there and CREATE it.


It became a mantra that I started sharing with women that I mentored and today I wanted to pass that wisdom along to this community. Because I believe a deep piece of self care that we don’t focus enough on is taking OWNERSHIP + RESPONSIBILITY over our lives. To create what we crave and build lives we’re OBSESSED with.

So. I wanna break down what CREATE WHAT YOU CRAVE means so you can walk away from this and implement…bc we’re all about taking focused + intentional action around here, right?

THEN vs NOW. One of my last pics of Ms. McMillan the teacher in a classroom and now…Brittany who teaches women how to show up and take care of themselves so they can go out into the world and be great for others.


Figuring out what you truly desire is a crucial first step on the journey to creating a life that you love. Here are some helpful places to start:


Start by setting aside some quiet, uninterrupted time for self-reflection. Grab a journal or find a cozy spot to think + reflect. Consider questions like: What brings you joy? What activities make you lose track of time? When have you felt the most FULFILLED and CONTENT? Reflecting on these moments can provide valuable insights into your true desires.

▫️Explore Your Passions:

Often, I find, that our desires are closely tied to our PASSIONS. What excites you? What can you get LOST in? Think about hobbies, interests, or even subjects that you’re curious about. What did you love as a KID? And how can you bring more of that into your day to day? Passion is a often reliable compass when it comes to discovering desires.

▫️Figure Out Your Values:

Our values play a significant role in shaping our desires. What values are most important to you? Is it family, adventure, personal growth, impact, or something else entirely? Understanding your core values can help you align your desires with what truly matters most.

▫️Visualize Your Ideal Day or Life:

Okay. Imagine your ideal day without any constraints. Think about your dream career, relationships, health, and lifestyle. What does a perfect day look like? What are you doing? Who are you with? What choices do you have? How do you spend your time? How do you FEEL?! Visualization can be a powerful tool for pinpointing specific desires.

▫️Get Jealous:

Okay…stick with me and hear me out. Jealousy, when approached with a healthy perspective, can actually be a valuable clue to uncovering your desires. Instead of viewing jealousy negatively…use it as a tool for self-discovery. When you feel a pang of jealousy toward someone else's achievements or lifestyle, it often points directly to something you desire for yourself. Pay attention to what triggers your jealousy.

Is it a friend's successful career?

That person you see on social with amazing blending + boundaries of work and life?

Or that DIY account you follow who always has the best ideas when it comes to home projects?

Identifying these triggers can help you pinpoint areas of your life where you might have unfulfilled desires. Instead of scrolling social or looking at others thru a jealous lens…flip it and ask yourself why you feel this way.

What about their achievements or lifestyle resonates with you? Is it the sense of accomplishment, freedom, or creativity? Delving into the "why" behind your jealousy can offer valuable insights into your true desires.I think we’ve gotten jealousy all wrong bc it can actually serve as a mirror reflecting your DESIRES. It can be a catalyst for change, motivating you to take action toward creating the life you truly crave. So, embrace jealousy as a guide on your journey of self-discovery and desire fulfillment.


▫️ Set Small Goals:

When it comes to turning desires into actionable steps, I actually DON’T LOVE “SMART” goal setting. The M- measurable can be tricky with some types of goals. And the A- achievable sets us up for failure every time. Mainly bc when we set goals we KNOW we can achieve we forget to stretch ourselves. Recently I’ve had a lot of success looking at a different method a fellow podcaster ( Jess Massey) created + uses called The S.W.I.T.C.H. method. This approach is designed to not only make your goals more achievable but also to align them more closely with your true desires. Let me break down each letter of this method:

✨Specific: Start by making your goals as specific as possible. Instead of a vague desire, like "I want to lose weight," aim for something more precise, such as "I will incorporate daily 30 minute walks into my routine."

✨Why Focused: Dig deep into the "why" behind your goals. Understanding the driving force behind your desires makes them more meaningful and motivating. Ask yourself why achieving this goal is important to you. The more connected you are to the "why," the more likely you'll stay committed.

✨Impact Driven: Consider the impact your goals will have, not only on yourself but on others and the world around you. How will achieving this goal positively influence your life and the lives of those you care about? This broader perspective can add purpose and fulfillment to your journey.

✨Time-line Based: Set clear timelines for your goals. Without deadlines, desires can remain distant dreams. Having a target date creates a sense of urgency and accountability. For example, "I will complete a podcast course within the next three months” was helpful for me when launching in this space. But I also know that the time line might go and go, but that doesn’t mean the goal is no longer for me. I love this approach bc I can adjust and tweak as I go.

✨Check-In Regularly: Regular check in’s with your progress is EVERYTHING. Schedule moments to review your goals and assess how you're doing. Are you on track, or do you need to adjust your strategy? These check-ins keep you accountable and adaptable. I love YEARLY goal drops, quarterly check in meetings (which you know I’m all about), monthly goal setting, and then weekly break downs to help me move the needle.

✨Habits and Routines: To make your goals more achievable, incorporate them into your daily or weekly routines. This is where my mantra “ACTION OVER OUTCOME” comes into play. By turning your DESIRES into actions + habits, you’ll be more likely to make consistent progress.

By following the SWITCH method that Jess Massey from Hustle Sanely lays out, your goals transform into powerful tools for realizing your desires. They become specific, deeply connected to your "why," focused on positive impact, time-bound, regularly reviewed, and supported by the habits and routines that guide you toward success. This approach not only ensures that your goals are aligned with your desires but also empowers you to take meaningful steps toward creating the life you crave.

▫️Don’t Go At It Alone:

I used to be the kind of woman who would do everything on her own. I didn’t “need” anyone…untill I did. Ya know? Accountability has been a key driver of my progress. Share your desires and action steps with your spouse, a trusted friend, or a mentor / coach who can hold you accountable…who KNOWS those desires on your heart and won’t let you off the hook when the road gets rocky (bc it will). Regular check-ins and support from others can help you stay motivated and committed to your journey.

▫️Be a Sponge:

Pursuing your desires often involves a whole lotta learning and growing. Be OPEN to acquiring new knowledge and skills that align with your goals. Invest in courses, workshops, or self-improvement resources that will propel you forward. This year I made it a goal to get in the rooms + spaces with other women moving in the direction I desire and I can’t even tell you how IMPACTFUL this has been for me as I’m navigating a lot of new. So many of us stop the learning process when we exit school, but I’m encouraging you to EMBRACE that you’ll forever be a student.

▫️Anticipate Fear + Doubt:

It's natural to encounter fear and self-doubt when pursuing your desires. I promise you that it’s part of the process. I always tell women I work with that fear can be IN THE CAR…it just can’t DRIVE THE CAR. Fear can be IN THE CAR, but it doesn’t get to pick the playlist for the trip. Figure out what you’re afraid of and allow that to exist but here’s the kicker…TAKE. ACTION. ANYWAY. The only way TO is THRU. The only way to get over the fears + doubts is THRU them. So take action anyways.

▫️Celebrate Small Wins:

Don't wait for major milestones to celebrate. Acknowledge and celebrate small victories along the way. Whether it's completing that first workout, taking a step outside of your comfort zone and attending that event, winning your morning for a full month… each of these moments of success boost motivation and confidence.

▫️Stay Flexible + Kind to Yourself:

Life is unpredictable and things can change in a moment. Sometimes we have to lay dreams down to open up space for a new one. And sometimes things like a global pandemic throw life for a loop. Your journey toward your desires WILL. INVOLVE. OBSTACLES. But each one can lead to unexpected opportunities if you’re willing to look for it. So navigate the obstacles and sticking point, but also be kind to yourself throughout the process. Pursuing desires…living a life that is focused and intentional…creating what you freaking CRAVE? It’s challenging work, friends. And setbacks ARE a part of the journey. Give yourself a little grace along the way bc you’re doing the dang thing. You’re no longer just wishing for it…you’re WORKING for it. So give yourself some credit.

So as we wrap up today…


It starts with getting CLEAR ON YOUR DESIRES. Like what do you really want…this can look like deep self-reflection that kind of guides you toward your true desires, diving into your passions, nailing down your core values, and daydreaming about your perfect life. And sometimes you even pick up a lesson or two from moments of feeling a bit envious— if you can look at those jealousy pangs with a lens that is pointing you straight towards what you want deep down.

But friends. It can’t stop there. Knowing what you want is just the starting line. The real magic kicks in when you start taking steps in the direction of your desires. It's about setting those small but meaningful goals that are super clear, tied to your "why," and focused on making a positive impact. It’s about creating habits + routines that SERVE the person you desire to be.

The journey can get tough. Life throws curveballs and self-doubt can sometimes sneak in. But those are just part of the adventure. You've got to give fear and doubt a seat, but never let them drive the car. Celebrate every tiny win along the way and remember that the PRIZE is truly the PROCESS. Keep the vision for life BEYOND your current circumstances. That’s what you’re working for.

Creating what you crave boils down to owning your life and taking deep responsibility. It's about crafting it into this masterpiece that you're absolutely head over heels in love with. You're not just a character in your story; you're the author.

So, as you walk away from today…keep this in mind:

You've got the power to CREATE WHAT YOU CRAVE.

Whatever it is you crave…get out there this week and SHOW UP FOR IT. I’m always rooting for you and I can’t wait to hear + see how this episode is inspiring you. Do me a favor and screenshot this episode and tag me @inspirebeautybritt with your light bulb / fist pumping moments so I can celebrate WITH YOU. 🖤🤟🏼


PS…This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.


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