a SPICY 🌶 take on being a BEGINNER

In this post we’ll chat thru…

â‘  BEGINNER | NEW seasons + UNHELPFUL commentary
② An ANALOGY that’s helpful for me when I’m ON THE FIELD {aka doing the dang thing}
③ And one WORD that can change the way you view your BEGINNER seasons


We’ve all been there before…those seasons when you’re trying something new, starting a new journey or habit, transitioning into a new space, or in a new season of life. Whenever we dive into “NEW” we inevitably become BEGINNERS again.

And beginning seasons are uncomfy, ya’ll. To be present in something that you deeply desire to be GREAT at, all while sitting in the reality that you’re not great, yet is REALLY. FREAKING. UNCOMFORTABLE.

If you’ve been following along with me lately you know I’m in a beginner season all over again with my business but we are ALSO diving into beginner/transition seasons in our home life, too. If you missed it, I announced that hubs and I are moving to Florida while he takes on a new job. And it’s EXCITING. It’s FRESH. It’s NEW. And it’s also uncomfortable bc we are beginners again as we transition into a new space, place, and season.

Someone recently minimized my beginner season. Probably not on purpose…I want to give people the benefit of the doubt. But their words made my effort + business seem small. Cute. Like there are other people out there doing “greater” things.

It was hard to hear someone I LIKE minimize this season. Man…I was wishing for a tribe of humans that would rally, support, and cheer me on in all this new-ness. Don’t we all want that? But, sadly…I have to tell you that THAT is often NOT what happens. And it can feel like a big blow. Here’s the deal though…

I know from a LIFETIME of TRYING that if you’re not on the field with me…you don’t get to have an opinion. I have this analogy I love to use when I’m working towards something that matters that I think will resonate with you, too.

I think about NFL football teams and the many layers of each individual team.

There’s going to be the players on the field. Practicing. Trying. Showing up. Making tweaks to their game play. Getting BETTER at their craft day after day. That’s YOU when you’re showing up and doing meaningful work.

Then you have the people on the sidelines. The coaches. The support staff. Cheerleaders. Bench players ready to rally. They get a front row seat to the effort it takes on that field and they are also in the trenches with that team. Fully supporting. Fully invested. These are those tight close few that will rally WITH YOU…encourage you…give you SOUND feedback, if needed. And also showing up because they believe that what you’re doing is meaningful, too.

Pan out a little further and you have ticket holders. Fans. Cheering and watching. Wanting to be close to the action and supporting the players. These people are gems in your life. Maybe not the ones on the field with you doing the work…but supporting nonetheless.

And even further if you pan out you’ll have the “nacho eaters” as I like to call them. The ones at home. Watching on their screens. Sitting on their couch. Not doing much of anything but observing + criticizing thru a screen. Eating nachos. Be careful about the nacho eaters. They will sound the loudest at times, but they are nothing but a DISTRACTION from what you’re doing. Don’t allow their fear to fill you. Or their own doubts make you question if you have what it takes.

It takes COURAGE to start something new. You can’t possibly know that courage if you’re sitting on your couch criticizing + judging thru a screen. You only know the courage if you’re on the field.

So. I don’t take advice from the people who aren’t on the field DOING the work. Simply because they can’t possibly have a clue as to what it takes. You have to PROTECT yourself in beginner seasons, friends. It’s a vulnerable space to be. One doubting statement. One minimizing comment. It could destroy all the courage you’ve built up. Acknowledge who those people are in your life and put boundaries in place to protect that tiny seed of a new thing you’re trying to build + grow.

And one more hot take on being a beginner because I’m feeling extra SPICY today…

Whatever your BEGINNER season is…whether you’re in a new season of motherhood. Adjusting to a new position at work. Embarking on a health journey where this time you want it to stick. Entering married life. Or creating the vision that’s laid on your heart. I want you to know this….

You might not be “good” at what you’re doing.

You might not have a lot of likes, followers, views, comments, supporters.

You might not have a ten step plan fully laid out.

You might not have the patience + kindness you desire.

You might not be disciplined or consistent.

But there’s a word I’d add on to all of those statements that someone observing, judging, and giving minimizing remarks can’t see.

Y E T .

You might not be “good” at what you’re doing YET. But every time you show up you’re getting BETTER.

You might not have a lot of likes, followers, views, comments, supporters YET. But if you’re authentically building something you believe in, the right people WILL come.

You might not have a ten step plan fully laid out YET. But you can show up and do the NEXT BEST THING today.

You might not have the patience + kindness you desire YET. But you can apologize and grow and open your heart up to doing life and family different than maybe you were modeled.

You might not be disciplined or consistent YET. But every time you show up and put in the reps you are building that muscle.

Brush off those comments, sis. Breathe out the nay-sayers. There will ALWAYS be nacho eaters. That just means you’re doing something impressive enough that others are taking notice.

In order to get to where you desire to go…you have to SHOW UP and TRY. Get back up when you fall. And soak in this BEGINNER season bc if there’s anything I’ve proved to myself OVER AND OVER AGAIN in my life is that the more I SHOW UP and TRY the more chances I have of looking like a sudden success to the outside world. And the same is true for you, sis. YOU GOT THIS.

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