5 morning routine GAME CHANGERS

In this post we’ll chat thru…

① How morning routines SERVE your BEST SELF
② 5 morning routine GAME CHANGERS

Real talk. I fell off the wagon HARD when it comes to my morning routine. Like H - A - R - D. 😩 And it can be really VULNERABLE sharing that with you in this space bc a lot of you know me for my morning routine. If I’m being honest, I’ve felt a lot like a fraud lately, but I know I’m in a season where my body is telling me to slow down + rest and I for the last few months, I listened.

Hear me say this. There is no shame in listening to what YOUR BODY needs. That’s OKAY. And if that is you right now…listening to what YOU need is more important than any message or tip I could ever give you.

That being said…I also know the value of my morning routine. And I’ve been missing the AFTER FEELING of giving myself the gift of time + space in the AM. I know how much BETTER I feel when I wake up and take care of ME before I care for others…to hear from myself before I hear from the masses on social stealing for my attention. Waking up with no intentions…no clear direction…and not giving myself that me-time creates a downward spiral. So I’m taking BACK my morning routine this summer. And I wanna teach you how to create a routine that serves YOU, too.

When’s the last time you listened to YOU first in the day? Your intuition? Your intentions? Your dreams? Your worries? Your inner knowing?

This is the GIFT of a morning routine. A little bit of time set aside before the rest of the world is even awake to energize and align yourself for the day.

And I know you might be rolling your eyes bc maybe you’re not a morning person or you’re in a season of life where time for YOU in the morning simply seems ridiculous. But I promise you that a morning routine has SO MANY BENEFITS that extend beyond the morning. The most SUCCESSFUL people all typically have one thing in common and that’s their morning routine. So as uncomfortable as it is sometimes when you’re embarking on creating new routines + habits…let’s dive into this…TOGETHER.


A MORNING ROUTINE HelpS Prepare You for the Rest of the Day

How you spend the morning will influence the rest of your day. Ever have one of those days where you just wake up and everything feels chaotic and rushed? With a morning routine you can set the tone for your day.

IT IncreaseS Your Productivity

Every time I give myself a solid morning routine, I swear I am that much more productive the rest of the day. And there’s proof to this. When you can set the focus and intention for the day, you end up spending your time on things that are more valuable + productive to your overall day.

IT CAN lower your Stress

Stress can come THICK when you feel like you don’t have enough time to do all the things in your day. When you have a routine, you always know exactly what you should be doing and what follows.

A MORNING ROUTINE helpS you develop Healthy Habits

It may be tempting to hit the snooze button or to stay in bed with your phone instead of getting up immediately, but these habits are time wasters. Snooze is not serving you, sis. When you have a routine, it’s much easier to say YES to habits that serve the direction of your goals. A morning routine gives you TIME to do the things you may be putting off (like working out, eating a healthy breakfast, etc).

AND…IT WILL boost Your Energy Levels FOR tHE REST OF THE DAY.

The reason many people hate mornings is because their energy levels are low when the alarm goes off. You’re tired, your bed is comfy. The dog is snuggling. I get it. The struggle is real. And that’s normal. But if you can push past that initial “I don’t wanna” feeling and get into your routine, your energy levels the REST of the day will thank you.


Okay let’s dig into 5 things I’m CLINGING to this summer that will help me cultivate the morning routine I crave. I’m not focusing on perfection. I’m focusing on these 5 tasks as indicators that I’m moving in the right direction.


Let's be real...snooze isn't helping you have your best morning. It's disrupting your sleep and leaving you less and less excited about getting out of bed. Resist the urge to hit snooze. Figure out what time you need to wake up in order to have enough time for a solid morning and then commit to it. Even if it's hard to get out of bed I remind myself of how much better I feel after I have a solid, intentional morning. A solid morning actually starts the night before. So here’s what’s helpful for me: I lay out my workout clothes the evening before and I place my phone (with alarm set) on top of my clothes in the bathroom. I try to go to bed at the same time every night to keep my circadian rhythm on track. And once that alarm goes off the next morning, I am forced to walk to my phone in the other room…turn it off…put on those clothes (bc they’re already sitting there!), and then get going on my morning routine.

② HYDRATE FIRST (+ eat a little something before caffeine….😉)

Okay…I LOVE my coffee with my morning routine and if you spent the night here you’d notice that THAT would be the first thing I do once I get my workout clothes on. AND...I also know the value of drinking water first thing in the day. Before the coffee, I’m challenging myself to start my day with water this summer. Another thing I’m shifting in my morning routine that is helpful for my energy levels is not having caffeine on an empty stomach. I’ve literally ALWAYS been the girl who drinks coffee first (or a pre workout) without breakfast. And I’m learning how damaging that can be for my health. I’m also not a big “breakfast person” so this is challenging for me. But what’s been working well lately is having an Aussie Bite from Costco with my coffee and then enjoying breakfast post workout.


I love journaling in the morning. Your practice doesn't have to be fancy. It can simply be a blank notebook + whatever's on your mind. When I first started I would write out 5 things I was grateful for and then 10 goals I was working towards. Nowadays I've grown my journaling practice as I've gotten more comfortable. I spend time with God. I brain dump what’s on my heart. I write out my goals, celebrate my growth, and jot down a few things I’m grateful for. It doesn't have to be anything fancy. The point is, when we start the day in a posture of thankfulness it centers our mind that what we have in this moment is exactly enough. We look around and see blessings and abundance. We clear our minds + center our hearts on what matters most. And I want that for you, too.


Your mind needs just as much training as your body does (often times...even more!). I always say that the heaviest weight you'll ever lose is the weight you carry between your ears. Are you aware of the words you say to yourself? What are you looping on repeat? We have to capture our negative thoughts + limiting beliefs and replace them with growth and empowerment. From books/podcasts about confidence to time management to daily discipline to clean eating...there is a tool out there for the very thing you are struggling with. I want to empower you to stop allowing what cycles between your ears to take over your choices. Grab a book (or a podcast) and spend 10 minutes a day leveling up your mindset before heading out into the world. You’ll be a better partner, parent, and leader for it.


And lastly...move your body! It can be any way of moving that you enjoy OR that you body is craving. Stretching. Yoga. An empowering spin class. Strength training. Even a quick walk with your dogs. It all counts. Starting your day with movement will help you bless your body, keep it functioning at it's best, and improve your energy for the day ahead!

So. There you have it. What I’m COMMITTING to this summer as I get back to my morning routine. What works for me might not work for you and what you have time for one day you might not the next. It’s not about perfection around here. I say this often.

It’s about PROGRESS and finding JOY IN YOUR JOURNEY.

So try some of it on for size and see how you feel. Think of your morning routine like a menu you can pull from (like the checklist above) to help you wake up and be the BEST YOU you can be today. How you start your day matters. Your morning becomes your day. Your days become your life. So let’s choose well. Forever and always rooting for you. 🖤🤟🏼

PS…This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.


a SPICY 🌶 take on being a BEGINNER


10 things you can do TODAY that FUTURE YOU will be SO GRATEFUL FOR