let's do a MID YEAR check in ✨ {+ a FREE WORKBOOK}

In this post we’ll chat thru…

① It’s time for a MID YEAR check in
② Q’s to help you REFLECT on the top half of the year + PREP for the latter half (+ a FREE workbook to help you journal along at your own pace)
③ How to GET BACK ON TRACK + make PROGRESS towards what matters most


6 months in.
6 months to go.

I’m not a big “New Years Resolution” type of girl. Instead, I typically sit down with my planner and look ahead at what I’d like to make happen over the course of the year. I set some overarching action-based goals that I’d like to achieve, but my year is mostly centered around a word that keeps me grounded to my intention.

This year I chose “CREATE” as I stepped into a new business and felt like a BEGINNER all over again. 2023 has been a head down kinda year for me…I’m not sure about you. But I wanted my focus to be less on looking around at the OUTCOME and more on putting my head down and taking the ACTIONS I could control.

If you’re feeling a little stuck today….maybe you didn’t really set any goals for the top of the year. Maybe you didn’t pick a “word.” Maybe you’re feeling like “where did the last 6 months go?!” And that’s okay. You can pause at ANY TIME and take inventory. So this is a perfect place to start.


I could’ve easily stepped into a new year with new ambitions and a blank slate and gone into paralysis. I could’ve looked left and right and noticed what everyone else was doing. I could’ve slipped into feeling like I’m so far away from my end goal…what’s the point of even trying. And instead…I took a VERY different approach this year and asked myself WHAT CAN I CONTROL? I decided that I’m a creative spirit and with that…I can create. And ultimately the only way to get to my end goals is to DO SOMETHING so create felt really aligned with what I needed in this season.

So that became my focus for 2023 - CREATE. And it drives me and helps me when I feel stuck or off course.

What about you? What is within your control right now? What is your END GOAL and what do YOU have to do with it becoming a reality? What’s YOUR PART in the PROCESS?

With half of the year gone, I love to sit down and take inventory of where I’m at and where I’d like to move in the next 6 months. I know this community LOVED when we did the QUARTERLY CHECK IN FOR YOU GOALS CHAT so I wanted to make sure I came back in and gave you a jumping off point for the half way point. It’s a moment to slow down and intentionally look at what’s working and what’s not. Assessing whether your goals + actions are in alignment with your overall vision and to tweak any methods / actions / behaviors that aren’t leading you closer to where you desire to move. So let’s dive in!


First thing I love to do is take a moment to reflect on where I’m currently at. Yes you might need a some space + time to reflect, but I helped you out by creating a FREE WORKBOOK that you can snag to guide you in your journey.

Below are a few questions you can use as prompts to help get you going, but these are also in the workbook!

Reflection Q’s:

• What were my original goals for the year? (ps…this is an awesome time to set some goals if you haven’t!)

• What am I proud of/celebrating so far this year?

• What hasn’t been working so well? Why is that?

• What has been getting my attention so far this year? Is this in alignment with my goals?

• What have I been consistent with that is benefiting me + my goals? What have I been consistent with that is NOT benefiting me + my goals?


We can’t stop at the reflection. We have to make a GAME PLAN for how we want the rest of the year to flow. So. The next step is to PREP. This is where you take your POWER back, sis. Take a moment to ask yourself the following questions and journal your responses.

Q’s to Help you PREP + VISUALIZE the rest of the YEAR:

• What would progress LOOK + FEEL like by the time the ball drops?

• What are you committing to for the rest of the year? What is a solid GOAL for YOU?

• What new habits and routines do I need to implement to better support my vision?

• What plans/responsibilities are coming up? Any obstacles that might get in my way?

• What is stopping you from achieving your goal/what would it take? How can you BE the person who DOES what you want to do?

If you want to grab a free printable of the mid-year review workbook with the above questions and space for journaling, sign up below with your name and email address. 🖤

let's do a mid year check in

With half of the year gone, I love to sit down and take inventory of where I’m at and where I’d like to move in the next 6 months. 

It’s a moment to slow down and intentionally look at what’s working and what’s not. Assessing whether your goals + actions are in alignment with your overall vision and to tweak any methods / actions / behaviors that aren’t leading you closer to where you desire to move.

So let’s dive in! 🖤🤟🏼



You feel far behind? You’re not “there” yet? You fall short? Or you just have a LOT going on?!

I get it. You just took time to reflect and game plan and you realize you haven’t been very focused or intentional with your goals. Been there. Done that. And I have to include this section bc I’m a realist. I would be doing you a disservice if I simply assumed that every chunk of the rest of the year would flow perfectly. That’s. Not. Realistic. There’s this thing called life and as much as we can plan + prep…things happen and the outcome is often not in our control. That’s why ACTIONS are so powerful. I can’t control the outcome, but I can control how I show up and when I show up.

The instinct for so many is to give up. It’s why so many people set goals and never revisit them after the ball drops.

But INSTEAD of that instinct to just give up…let’s reassess. Evaluate. Get honest about where you’re at. Extend grace to yourself. And remember..

THE GOAL IS NOT ALWAYS THE PROBLEM. The problem is typically being off track.

So let this be the season that you GET BACK UP. Get on focused. Get intentional. Make it matter to you. No matter where you’re at in your journey, I know that taking time to pause and reflect on your goals, navigate where you’re off track so you can make tweaks/adjustments, and really dig into what needs focus + attention in the coming months is going to be a GAME CHANGER for your progress.

I hope this helped you get EXCITED for the rest of the year and I can’t wait to cheer you on as you make progress towards what matters most.

PS…This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.




a SPICY 🌶 take on being a BEGINNER