When you're navigating TOUGH decisions...

In this post we’ll chat thru…

② An EXAMPLE from my life of that type of season.
③ 3 POWERFUL questions I ask when I’m navigating TOUGH DECISIONS.

Have you ever been stuck in a space where you didn’t know what to do? Maybe like a waiting season or you’re trying to decide whether to take that leap in your business? Or maybe even navigating a big move or a substantial change to life as you know it? Today’s blog is for anyone who’s ever had a difficult decision weighing on them…the woman who’s been up in the middle of the night making a pro and con list…desperately searching for answers + direction + clarity.


I’ve been there. And I want to help you navigate those times in a tangible way that’s helped me when I’m REAL TIME searching for answers, direction, + clarity. Because I also know that sometimes in those moments it’s SENSITIVE who you share this information with and so it can also feel really freaking lonely. Again…I’ve been there. Those seasons are tough so let’s walk it together, deal?

So a little backstory…before our transition to Dallas (where my husband and I currently live with our two wiener dogs - Grace and Frankie), we came into one of those “what do we do…which road do we take?” seasons.

At the time my husband was the Executive Director of a performing arts non profit and life was GOOD. We were living in California in a GORGEOUS area, we had a tight friend group, we had a church we loved and a community that had our back. He was doing meaningful work that he was EXCELLENT at and I was on the rise in my business. Life just felt GOOD.

And then, on a random Monday, he got a call. A job offer. Something that would move us away from all the things that were GOOD. And I have to be honest… we felt STUCK.

On one hand, life was good…so why change? And on the other hand…we could see where life could improve. For starters, we were living in the Bay Area (one of the most expensive areas to live) and owning a home was simply NOT in our cards anytime soon. We rented a house at the time for 3K per month and as much as we loved that house…it wasn’t OURS. It also didn’t have a dishwasher, a garage, AC, a bathtub, or any amenities you’d probably want in a dream house…or shoot…any house, ha! It also didn’t have space if we wanted to expand our family. Moving to Texas would open those doors up for us but it would also come with losing some things we loved.

So we were torn. Life looked GOOD. But maybe this was our life raft to BETTER. To an exceptional life.

Our last family pic as we said goodbye to California and got in our UHaul to drive to Texas.

I think that’s the first place I’d go if I were in your shoes…navigating a tough decision. Asking:


This was an ongoing question we kept asking each other over and over again. It led our hearts and guided our steps…but even more powerful that that are 5 words we’d ask ourselves DAILY…shoot…even MOMENT BY MOMENT…in that season so that we didn’t get stuck in the waiting and we found ways to LIVE even when we felt stuck between two worlds.


Five words, friends, that help me navigate tough decisions…but if you’re reading this today and you’re not really in a waiting, stuck, decision making season…I know without a doubt that these can ALSO be transformative for YOU, too.


When your alarm clock goes off and you hit snooze 7 times.

When you feel sick from how much you ate/drank the night before.

When you snapped at your spouse on their way out the door.

When you fell off the wagon of moving your body.


This question helps guide me in the short term so that I can make better decisions without beating myself up for what happened before that moment. Because the way I see it…your short term decisions DETERMINE your long term life. If I can string together MORE short term wins, I am building a life I can be proud of…one that HONORS my BEST SELF.

Will you always get it right?

Nope. But that’s the beauty of this question. It’s the BOUNCE BACK. It’s how you GET BACK UP from your humanity…from your imperfection. And I think that counts more than anything else.

It’s the MIGHT’S + MAYBE’S that keep us up at night. Maybe I should start that dream business of mine. Maybe I should leave this toxic environment. Maybe I should stay home with my kids while they’re still young. Maybe I should take better care of myself before I get sick. Maybe…fill in your own blank here…

We all handle decision making in different ways, but regardless of how you navigate that process, UNMADE DECISIONS HOLD POWER. It’s like a grip that feels like it’s suffocating every part of our day to day. And that’s ON TOP of the 35,000 decisions it’s estimated we make daily.

There will be tough decisions to make AND there are simply just DECISIONS to make. Whether you’re navigating the BIG STUFF (like a cross country move, a diagnosis, or a new season of motherhood) or you’re simply just deciding what to eat for lunch today I feel like NARROWING it down to WHAT’S THE NEXT BEST THING for me to do is POWERFUL. It helps you get out of the big picture and the what if’s and helps you come back to yourself. To break down what matters MOST in this moment….and then string next best choices together, with the trust that each next choice will lead you closer to the NEXT best choice.

IDK who this is for today. I know I’m in a season right now where we’re ALL OVER AGAIN navigating a tough decision and I promise you I’m using these questions in REAL TIME. I pray they give you peace + ownership the way it gives US a little peace and ownership.

Yesterday the day was wide open and we were trying to decide what to do. And knowing what’s potentially ahead of us we decided we wanted to enjoy our home + our pool. That was the NEXT BEST CHOICE. Worrying wasn’t. Stressing wasn’t. Trying to force clarity or grip tightly to control wasn’t, either. For us, the next best choice often looks like LIVING IN THE MOMENT and being fully present where our feet are. And I hope the same for you, sis. That thing you’re worried about? The clarity you need? It’s coming. Don’t rush the process bc in doing so you’re rushing past LIFE. Slow it down. Bring it narrow. Ask WHAT’S THE NEXT BEST THING for me (or us) in this moment? And then go and do that thing.

Oh and PS…as SCARY as the leap was to leave CA and move to TX…it was one of the best decisions we could’ve ever made. It’s opened doors to new opportunities + growth that never would’ve happened if we had played small and stayed where life was just “good.” And it’s in looking back on the BENEFITS of that YES that outweighed the uncomfy parts we experienced that are helping me navigate the next season of tough leaps into new territory.

Rooting for you always. 🖤🤟🏼

PPS…did this blog speak to you? Are you kinda feeling like you’re in need of a season where you can make NEXT. BEST. CHOICES. to feel your best while you wait? I got you, sis. 😉 Kicking off May 22nd I’m hosting a {FREE} RECLAIM YOUR CONFIDENCE mini challenge in my Self Care Sisterhood Facebook community.

This is for the woman who is ready to FEEL HER BEST. Is that YOU?!

For 5 days we're going to show up and take small actions that will help us FEEL OUR BEST + REGAIN OUR CONFIDENCE. Doing the small things that make the biggest impact + keeping promises to ourselves.


  • Make FOOD choices that support our best self (I’ll provide some awesome recipes!)

  • Commit to MOVING OUR BODIES (I got you!)

  • Crush your daily WATER GOALS

  • GET OUTSIDE for at least 10 min per day (walk, jog, run...)

  • LEVEL UP YOUR MINDSET w/ daily podcasts (Again...I got you!)

Oh...and what you've come to know and love and what I believe is the secret sauce to success..community + support + sisterhood.

Imagine how GOOD YOU WILL FEEL as we kick off a fresh summer season.


PS…This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.




Some INSPO when you're in a STORM...