When you feel STUCK...

In this post we’ll chat thru…

② 3 ways to get UNSTUCK TODAY.

When I was kicking off this MWM series I started by polling my audience on IG to see what CONTENT they truly needed in this season. One of the REPEATING themes was “Britt…how do I get UNSTUCK?!” And I get this…I vibe with this…bc I’ve often felt STUCK, myself.

Being stuck can look different. It could be a morning where you just can’t find the motivation to do much of anything AND it can look like an entire season where things just feel OFF or out of alignment and you don’t really know which way to go. I wanna help you tackle BOTH in today’s post.



It’s common to doubt ourselves when we’re going after something we’ve never done before. The proof of “will this work out the way I envision” isn’t really there. And I get this. But just know that each new level will bring a familiar feeling of doubt. So let’s learn to RIDE THE WAVE of it vs allowing it to stop us. Doubt is a clue that we’re trying something BIG + NEW and that’s a win in and of itself!


Spoiler. The stars will never align. Nothing is going to be perfect. And if you’re waiting for that…your perfect ideas/plans will die while others take imperfect action. There’s a famous study from a professor at the University of Florida. On the first day of his photography class, he divided the students into two groups. The QUALITY group and the QUANTITY group. The quantity group would be graded on the amount of work produced. On the final day of class, he would tally the number of photos submitted by each student. One hundred photos would rate an A, ninety photos a B, eighty photos a C, and so on. The quality group would be graded on the excellence of their work. They would only need to produce one photo during the semester, but to get an A, it had to be a nearly perfect image. At the end of the term, he was surprised to find that all the best photos were produced by the quantity group. During the semester, these students were busy taking photos, experimenting with composition and lighting, testing out various methods in the darkroom, and learning from their mistakes. In the process of creating hundreds of photos, they honed their skills. Meanwhile, the quality group sat around speculating about perfection and ended up with one mediocre photo.


It’s so easy to take one scroll on social and feel like your imperfect life isn’t measuring up to their one second post of perfection…but friends, this comparison track will keep you STUCK if you allow yourself to get caught in it. One thing that helps me is remembering that everyone has their struggles…and chances are…if this person you’re comparing yourself is at a HIGH LEVEL of success, then their struggles are ALSO higher. I also like to remember that comparison leaves CLUES. If I’m comparing myself, there must be something I ADMIRE or am INSPIRED BY in this individual. Knowing what that is can help me take action and get unstuck.


Just like perfectionism is going to keep you waiting…timing is the same. I once heard that the perfect time to start something is the first time you think of it. And that’s helpful for me bc I could easily sit and stew over the pros and cons without ever taking a leap. When I realize somethings been on my mind…on repeat…that’s a CLUE that I need to start moving towards it.


And lastly…I watch a lot of women stop themselves bc they feel this need to have PERMISSION. Who am I to start that Etsy shop?! Who am I to post inspiring stuff on social? Who am I to _____? Fill in the blank, but the “WHO AM I’s” are one of the reasons we get stuck. What I know is that the world needs YOU and that if that idea/dream/vision was placed on your heart…IT IS FOR YOU. So start. Take some messy action. Give yourself the permission slip that you have what it takes to figure it all out.


Now that you’re nodding your head like “Yep…that’s why I’m stuck,” you’ve already done a little of the prep work to getting unstuck - ACKNOWLEDGING WHAT’S HOLDING YOU BACK. But it doesn’t stop there. One of the things we often wait for is a sweep of motivation to come in and save us.

I swear ONCE I’m motivated… THEN I will get unstuck.

Have you said that to yourself before?! 👆🏼 But friends…we don’t need a New Year or a Monday to get “unstuck” and “motivated.” We simply need ACTION. Action comes before MOTIVATION. You have to DO THE THING and then you will FEEL THE MOTIVATION. And when I don’t “feel” like doing something, I often have to dig in and remind myself of the BENEFIT on the other side.



Sometimes when we’re stuck it just doesn’t feel FUN. But the journey TO your goal should be one that is ultimately enjoyable. So if it’s not…maybe it’s time to rethink the goal + if it aligns with your values. For me, though, when I’m simply stuck and feeling “meh,” I love to CHARGE UP my environment so that I am not in that blah state. A quick 15 minute outdoor walk with a motivating podcast, lighting a candle in my office + putting on some pump up music, or even turning my morning (now cold) coffee into a fresh iced coffee for the afternoon are all ways I hit RESET on my mood so I can get into a better state.


The end goal can feel REALLY. FREAKING. FAR. AWAY. So instead of thinking how far I am from “there” I like to ditch that for a second and consider the next thing in front of me that I can work toward. One of my recent goals was starting The Sisterhood Membership and that felt REALLY FREAKING FAR AWAY, so to start, I knew I needed a website. Instead of worrying about the end goal of the membership, I looked at the next benchmark on my path and picked a website template and began building that. Once that was done, I decided on the theme for the membership. Then I created content for that. And THEN I was ready to start launching the membership. This is just an example, but relate this to YOUR goal. Instead of looking at the BIG PICTURE, take a micro view in at what the next step is to break it into bite sized chunks.


Okay and last…YOU GOTTA TAKE ACTION, sis. Remember…ACTION BEFORE MOTIVATION, right? Dale Canegie said "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.” The unique spiral of being stuck is that the more we sit in INACTION, the more we will continue to take NO ACTION. And the more we take small steps, the more we’ll be inspired to KEEP TAKING ACTION. So as hard as it may be…go do ONE THING that is going to move you toward that benchmark. Maybe your goal is fitness related. So stop worrying about the end goal and worry today about lacing up your shoes and getting outside for that walk. Every action in the direction of your desires MATTERS and over time ADDS UP. So do the dang thing.

IDK what season of life you’re in specifically or WHERE you’re feeling stuck, but I know that when you feel stuck, it can become a vicious cycle that keeps you feeling more and more stuck. Whether it’s doubting you have what it takes. Getting caught in the perfection trap. Comparing yourself to others who are where you desire to go. Or waiting for the perfect time or permission…I just want you to know that it’s NORMAL to have those days or go thru those seasons. It makes you human and to me it’s an indicator that you have IDEAS + YOU’RE TRYING. But I don’t want you to be one of those women who gets STOPPED in the STUCK. YOU (and those dreams on your heart) are WORTH IT to move THRU the stuck and into action and I hope today gave you some tangible ways on how to make that happen. I’m forever rooting for you!


I get it and I’ve got you. 😉 Working towards your goals + determining WHAT MATTERS MOST can be tough stuff, but one of my fave places to start is to use a tracker. Habits STICK when we repeat them over time, right? And tracking my habits daily (whether it’s water, how I show up in my mornings, or even tracking the various ways I’m caring for me + others day in and day out) makes a difference. I’ve put together my FAVE self care habit trackers in a ✨FREE✨ bundle just for you. #you’rewelcome

Be sure to tag me on social so I can celebrate your efforts + cheer you on!

PS…This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.


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