My Pivot Year: 10 Lessons I Learned from Leaping

In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

① What a PIVOT YEAR is and HOW I came into mine in 2023.
② 10 LESSONS I learned this year from LEAPING (in business + in life)


Hey Hey Sisterhood!!! As we inch closer to the end of 2023 I wanted to reflect back on this year and share some of the key lessons I learned + relearned after leaping. in business and in life The more and more I reflect as we wind the year down, the more and more I’m seeing that this year was a PIVOT year.

Maybe you’ve been there or you feel like you’re there now, so let me explain it a bit. A pivot year is a period in someone's life when they make significant changes or shifts in various aspects, such as career, lifestyle, relationships, or personal growth + development. It's a time when someone decides to take a new direction, often prompted by a desire for personal growth, pursuing passions, or overcoming challenges.

Pivot years offer a beautiful opportunity to reassess goals, values, and priorities. And in doing so, can cause people to realign their life to better align with their authentic (BEST) selves. It's a time of self-reflection, exploration, and taking bold steps towards a more fulfilling and purposeful life. The term acknowledges that life is dynamic, and it's okay to pivot — to make intentional changes when needed for personal and professional growth…even if it doesn’t make sense to others.

I wanna walk you thru a little of my PIVOT YEAR. The lessons I’ve learned and some stories to help you relate if you’re in a similar season or feel one brewing. I want to be that person in your ear and in your corner reminding you that it’s WORTH IT to leap and that regardless of the challenges you’ll most likely face…pivoting is often one of the most courageous choices you can make for FUTURE YOU.

My PIVOT YEAR included:

  • walking away from a business I built for 10 years and was successful at

  • honoring my body and healing from years and years of abuse I put on it

  • starting a podcast + a membership community while learning how to be a beginner all over again

  • selling the home we built from the ground up, packing up our life, and moving to a new place

  • adjusting to a new WFH dynamic with my husband by my side as he simultaneously adjusts to a new job

  • and so much more

The last 12 months there have been some precious lessons I want to pass onto you so let’s dive in…

My Pivot Year: 10 Lessons I Learned from Leaping


Embarking on a journey of transformation often means leaving behind the familiar. Gosh I think this is why we don’t leap…bc leaping can sometimes feel like grief of what you once had. Here’s what I was reminded of this year - Not everyone will understand or support your choices, and that's okay. Some people may not be able to follow you into the next season of your life. Many people followed me because I was their beacon of inspiration for health + fitness…and they don’t want to hear about growth and inspiration. That’s totally normal. That’s A-OKAY. I think in the social media, connected work we live in, the line between friend and follower can get blurred. I realized this year especially that I had to really evaluate who was truly a friend and who is simply a fan. This didn’t require much more than watching other’s actions and allowing them to teach me which category they belonged in. While it’s hard to lose the people in your life that you thought would be there much longer, not everyone is meant to be with you the whole way. Wish them well and recognize that you don't owe anyone an explanation for living your best life. My best advice is to just live out your calling and let them watch.

② you’ve got to get out of your bubble.

Growth and transformation thrive outside of comfort zones. We’ve heard this, right? But I promise you…coming into the top of this year I felt like a fish out of water when I was trying to find people + events + scenarios that weren’t labeled or attached to my health + fitness business. Every guest speaker I could think of was affiliated. Every event…affiliated. I had to get myself IN NEW ROOMS. And NEW circles. And I’m still working on this. But a few ways I did this in 2023 were:

1. I signed up for a small retreat in Denver with 11 other women who had ZERO to do with my previous business or life. This retreat was incredible. We learned about ourselves via The Enneagram test. We got to build a small sisterhood while we were vulnerable in this space. And I was inspired to add “hosting mini events/retreats” to the list of goals I have for the future.

2. I enrolled in online community. Face to face is great, but on a day to day basis that’s just not feasible. So I did the next best thing and the thing I nudge you to do, too - surround yourself with other women bc we weren’t meant to do LIFE or our JOURNEYS alone, right? I took my own advice and joined a podcast course to help me be a more diligent student of my craft. And I joined an anti-hustle culture membership called HUSTLE SANELY BFF’s so I could surround myself with other women who deeply desire to show up and build an impact without burning out (which I’ve been known to do 🫠).

3. And finally, in September I flew to Austin to attend a Coach Summit with one of my fave authors + speakers and it was truly TRANSFORMATIVE. I meant coaches of ALL sorts and entrepreneurs with the coolest dreams on their hearts. I walked away CONFIDENT in what I’m already doing and INSPIRED to keep building, which was EVERYTHING for my spirit.

Three things. A big event. A small retreat style event. And a day to day online community. Each one of these YES’s has been TRANSFORMATIVE for my growth this year and getting out of the same ol’ same ol’ bubble I was in. Surrounding yourself with people and environments that support and inspire you is crucial and I realize that much of my mental health success and not feeling as lonely as I thought I would has to do with me being proactive to put myself out there. Break out of your bubble, get in the room with those who uplift you, and put yourself in scenarios that encourage personal and professional growth.


In full vulnerability + transparency, this year has been tough in regards to the deep healing work I’ve had to undergo behind the scenes. Letting go isn’t always about the people or the business. Sometimes it’s the hurts, unmet expectations, and feelings of failure that you have to confront. And sometimes it’s mourning the loss of what life “used to” look like. Shoot…in business I was GOOD at what I did. I knew how to wake up and do that well. And in life, we also had routine and structure and rhythm to how our days ebbed and flowed. Most days it’s not healing from bad things, but simply missing the GOOD stuff, too. All that is to say that behind every significant transformation or big leap lies the unshiny, unsexy work of healing, releasing, and letting go. Embrace the process of shedding what no longer serves you. This may (okay…WILL) involve ugly cries and discomfort that makes you rethink if you really should’ve lept, but it's a necessary part of the journey toward meaningful change.


Hear me out. Towards the end of my time as a fitness coach I would often tell my clients or the other fitness coaches I mentored that “It’s OKAY…come with me…I’ve cleared the path.” And this was my way of showing them that I knew they were scared or worried, concerned that they didn’t have what it took to be successful…but that I’ve “gone first” and it’s safe. The path was clear for them. Here’s what I forgot, though:


And clearing the path is messy work. I vividly remember this time last year knowing I would be leaping soon and wanting to make sure that I prepped everyone with everything they would need to be successful without me. Side note…this is what an Enneagram 4 does when they are under stress + not well…they start to behave like an Enneagram 2, which is “THE HELPER.” Anyways…I was doing all the things and making sure I was very clear on my departure and where I felt called to go next. And the response was amazing…at first…when I was still around to “help.” The “I support you.” The “I can’t wait to see all you’ve got planned.” The “I trust you and I’m with you.” They were all there. And then I lept. I left. I started clearing a new path. And that shit isn’t fun and it’s messy and it’s foreign. It’s easier to stay on the paved lane with lights on it, right?

Remember this. Having a vision that others may not immediately understand requires courage. The path doesn't magically appear; you must clear it yourself. Accept that, at times, you may need to go alone to pave the way and show others what's possible. It might be a lonely journey, but GO anyway. Sometimes you have to be the first.


One of my FAVE posts I saw this year said:

“Instead of asking ‘Have I worked hard enough to deserve rest?, I’ve started asking ‘Have I rested enough to do my most loving and meaningful work?.”

Rest is not a reward for meaningful work; it's a prerequisite. And this year has been a complete unlearning of that mindset. Some days I’m better at it. Some days I fall back into old patterns…each time reminding myself that meaningful efforts require time to recharge. Rest isn't a luxury—it's a vital component for sustaining the energy and creativity needed for impactful endeavors.


I’ve found that I attach so much of my worth to the output of WORK I do. This last fall in The Sisterhood Membership we had our first Bible Study mini group where we studied “Present Over Perfect” by Shauna Neiquest. I swear I had such a complete unraveling in that time together bc I realized that my whole life…I DO in order to feel LOVED. If I do more, maybe they won’t leave. If I do more, maybe they will be my friend. If I do more, maybe I’ll be successful. And gosh friends, it’s been an exhausting place to live. So I’m working on doing different for me in this new season and space - separating WHO I AM from WHAT I DO.

Find something deeper rooted than professional achievements to hold firm to. For me this looks like my faith, my relationships, my memories + impact I make with those I love most while I’m here on earth. And it’s also looked like FUN. I never had time for “fun” before and TBH I’d feel guilty if I wasn’t doing something that related to the hustle + grind of my business. Now I read fiction…for fun. I decorate my home…for fun. I flip furniture…for fun. I walk outside or go to the beach or grab a coffee…for FUN. Engaging in activities that bring you joy and fulfillment beyond the realm of your career is truly one of the best lessons I’ve leaned into this year.


I knew taking a leap in business and life would put be back on the starting line in so many ways this year, but man I don’t think I was prepared for the BEGINNER stages all over again. That’s why I titled this lesson as such bc for me….for most of us…it’s not about being a beginning. It’s about sucking when we wish we didn’t. It’s about seeing the end results in others we’re inspired by and knowing we’re just not that good, yet. Stepping into unfamiliar territory requires leaving your ego behind…embracing being a beginner again and acknowledging that the learning process may be uncomfortable.

Because here’s the thing…it’s new, you might suck, you see others doing it “better,” and it’s really freaking uncomfy…but it’s also incredibly rewarding. Why? Because THIS is the journey. These are the moments you smile back on and say “remember when I sucked at that” with the knowing that you’ve grown and gotten better?! I always say that growth looks good on you, but we often only think of the end piece of the growth. In order to GROW, sis, you have to START. And the start is sometimes a blast to the ego. It’s okay. The price of admission to new experiences is letting go of what you “thought” you’d be and embracing the growth you’re making every step of the way.


Trust the journey. Have faith in your vision, trust the process, and hold onto hope. I’ve had to remind myself more times than I care to admit this year that building a new path takes time and dedication. You will have really high highs and really low lows and a whole lot of mundane, unsexy, messy bun in betweens. Taking leaps comes with UNKNOWNS. And the entire human experience is based on wanting to know what comes next. But that’s the opposite of faith, trust, and hope. If we didn’t need to know what came next, we’d have no need for those…and ultimately for God or your higher power. Embrace the uncertainty and challenges of new beginnings, knowing that each step forward contributes to the realization of your dreams.

⑨ everything is figure-out-able.

I first heard this phrase back in 2019 when I read Marie Forleo’s book, “Everything is Figureoutable.” The main idea behind her phrase (+ book) is that whatever it is you want to achieve, whatever that ONE thing is, there is always a way to achieve it – no matter the obstacles you face or excuses you come up with. This has been a go to mantra for me this year. Moving. Downsizing our home. DIY’s. Building a new website. Starting a podcast. Prepping to turn 40. Healing my hormones + trying to conceive. Making friends as an adult.

In the face of change, reminding yourself that everything is figure-out-able helps you take back some power and not play a victim card to your own life. Trust your ability to find solutions and navigate through difficulties. Approach obstacles with a problem-solving mindset, knowing that you have the capability to overcome them.

✨ you are wildly capable…but that alone isn’t enough. you have to show up and do the things.

When you’re stepping outside of your comfort zone it’s so important to remember that it FEELS SCARY bc it’s UNFAMILIAR…not bc you’re incapable. Believing in your capabilities is the first step to making any type of leap or pivot or shift in the coming days, weeks, and into the next year. But friends, I’m finishing with this one bc belief alone isn't enough. I remind myself daily as a little pep talk that I’m wildly capable…esp when I’m doubting myself…but if I never back that up with any ACTION, my brain isn’t going to believe me. My brain is looking for evidence and when I show up and take action and move the needle and do the things…this is how we build the CONFIDENCE that we have what it takes. I remember at the top of the year I decided step ONE of starting my new biz would be to create a website. Ya’ll. I hadn’t worked on a website in a long freaking time and so much has changed and evolved. I felt LOST. And the one stupid thing I couldn’t figure out how to work was a button on my website. Google university. YouTubes. All the things and I finally figured it out on my own. And ya know what?! I felt like I was WILDLY CAPABLE after that moment. Bc I did the things. I backed up my words with some action.

Taking action is crucial so show up for yourself, your goals, and your dreams. Success comes not just from knowing you're capable but from actively pursuing and doing the necessary work it takes to PROVE you are capable…bc you are.

As I reflect on my pivot year, these lessons stand out as guideposts that illuminated my path…lighting the way when things felt dark. As we move into a fresh year and the slowing down and introspection of the winter season, I invite you to consider your own leaps…maybe the ones you dream of taking or the ones you’ve already met, armed with the knowledge that every step forward is an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and personal transformation. And that growth looks so freaking good on you.

Embrace the journey, celebrate the wins, trust the process. And remember to TAKE CARE OF YOU while you’re out there pursuing all that’s on your heart in 2024…SO THAT you can love and serve all those people, passions, and pivots from that place of overflow. I’m forever and always rooting for you. 🖤


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