In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

① How a trip back home reminded me of the GIFTS I’ve always had within me.
② And a little motivation for how YOU can seek out your unique gifts + talents, too.


Hello hello friends! Lately I’ve been traveling a LOT and I swear it’s when I get my best ideas. Case in point…I had such an ah-ha moment on one of my trips that I scrambled for the notes section on my phone in the moment so I could get home and make an episode to pass it along to you. That’s basically where we’re going today and I’m excited to share some wisdom that spoke into my own journey in ways I needed it most.

So a little backstory as to where this whole idea for today’s conversation stemmed… I recently took a trip back to my childhood home. My best girlfriend growing up was having her 40th birthday celebration and in this stage of life right now, I feel like I just want to be super present for the memories and people who have mattered so so much. So invites like that…they’ve been immediately HECK YES’s for me. It was a quick turn around trip…I basically flew in on Saturday night, stayed at my mom’s the evening before the party, went to said party, and then got back on a flight to Tampa about 24 hrs later. And honestly it’s been a minute since I’ve stayed at my childhood home bc usually when we visit, my husband and I stay at my brother’s house and my mom just comes over and stays, too, so we’re all together. But since it was a quick trip and it was just me, I figured I’d stay at my mom’s place.

And I have to be honest that lately I’ve been really unsure or unclear on what it is I’m supposed to be doing in this space. And that can happen in transition, right? What gifts and talents can I offer? And how does that make sense as a business model too, right? How does this community differ from the ones I’ve built in the past and how does my branding and voice adjust…like what’s relevant and what’s not. Bc I’m super multi-passionate so it feels hard to only box myself into one thing. There’s more to me than one title. And so as much forward momentum as I’ve had since starting the sisterhood membership and this podcast and launching the retreat (that shameless plug is happening Aug 30 - Sept 2nd here in Tampa FL…and you should 100% be here 😉) but…as much forward momentum as I’ve felt with all of that, I’ve also simultaneously felt really unsure of what I bring to the table. And that’s just a reminder that it can be BOTH friends. You can be making moves and doing the things and also question if you’re doing it right. Can we normalize that?!

Anyways…back to being at my mom’s. I had a huge AH-HA while I was there bc I started to notice the remnants of my younger self being in that space. Who I was before I left and ventured out into the world. My mom isn’t the type to throw your stuff away after you move out or change the room around so a lot of my old bedroom and such look very much the same. And one of the things I really paused and soaked in were the various DIY budget friendly reno projects I did around her house over the years.

When we were in Dallas and building our house I had this CREATIVE SPARK come alive in me for home reno, design, and projects. And part of what I know to be true about what I’m called to do is MAKE BEAUTIFUL SPACES WHERE EVERYONE FEELS AT HOME. I honestly thought for a long time that this was a NEW thing that I found when we were building the house and moving in and making it our own over the years.

But looking around my mom’s house I realized this had been inside of me my whole life. The design was not GOOD. The paint jobs were sketchy. I cut some corners. But I had this curiousity about how to IMPROVE THE SPACES I WAS IN and that’s a piece of my spirit that’s been with me every where I’ve gone.

I started to think about it and go thru the years after I left my moms and I really did have that spark. In my tiny apartments in and just after college I played with pops of color to brighten up spaces. When my husband and I lived in California we were really broke and to blend his furniture with mine we flipped it with paint to bring it all together and elevate the space. I played around with feature walls in apartments using command hooks and wall art since I couldn’t do anything permanent. And in Dallas this spark blew up and we got to have so much fun. And if you follow me on social you know design and making beautiful spaces is something I love so so much.

And I LOVE sharing it. But like I said…I’ve been in my head wondering if it’s relevant to share that. Wondering who really cares. Wondering if people will unfollow me bc they came for self care and growth and they end up with a DIY fireplace project on my stories.

Standing in my mom’s house it dawned on me that what I've been honing and refining over the years has always been within me and bc of this IT MATTERS. It’s what sets me apart and what makes me ME. The style may have evolved, my skills may have sharpened, but the essence of who I am and what I love has remained constant. I LOVE MAKING BEAUTIFUL THINGS. I love taking things that aren’t quite right or refined…maybe neglected or unfinished…and pulling beauty + greatness out of them. In places, sure. And also in people. It was a huge freaking light bulb moment for me.

Your gifts have been THERE all along. They just need a little love + attention. Think back to your own journey. What did you love doing as a child? What hobbies brought you joy? What felt or feels effortless? What talents did you possess growing up, even if you didn't fully realize their potential at the time? Those seeds of greatness have been quietly germinating within you all along. And they also deeply desire to come OUT into the world. That’s why you’re here. To give the world the things that only YOU can give it.

Maybe that’s a really good ear + awesome advice.
Maybe that’s accounting or something that others don’t get when it comes to money.
Maybe it’s your eye for photography or design.
Maybe you always have the best business ideas bc you can see solutions to common problems.
Maybe you’re an artist or a musician and you’ve let your art stay dormant.
Maybe you’re the most encouraging human in the world.

Whatever it is it’s IN YOU for a reason. And maybe it’s ALWAYS been IN YOU.

We get so caught up looking OUTWARD for validation that sometimes we need the reminder that what we have been gifted with is IN US ALREADY. Maybe you've allowed those passions to lie dormant, buried under all the demands of your daily adult life or overshadowed by self-doubt + fear. I get it. I really do. But today, I want to challenge you to reclaim what’s always been YOURS and stop staring at Sally on the internet for the answers. She has her OWN calling + gifts + passions. You have to own + honor YOURS.

You don't need external validation to affirm your worth or your potential. Let me say that again:

You don't need external validation to affirm your worth or your potential. IT’S IN YOU.

The power to create, to innovate, to inspire, to love — it's already within you. It’s been there all along. You just have to pause long enough to remember what the freak it even is. Take deep ownership of it. And then nurture it, grow it, practice it and allow that thing to flourish. Bc the world needs who YOU were made to be. And it’s ALWAYS BEEN INSIDE OF YOU. 🖤🤟🏼

PS…This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.


I WAS BURNT 🔥’s what I did (+ am doing) about it...


HIS + HERS | 10 years together, how we’re REALLY doing in transition, making friends as an adult, + what’s guiding our JOY these days.