if you're really. freaking. TIRED...

In this post we’ll chat thru…

① Some inspo when we’re unsure about WHATS NEXT
② My season of BURNOUT
③ DOING DIFFERENT + an INVITATION to join us this FALL in The Sisterhood Membership


I gotta be honest this week, friends. I found myself really struggling to create an episode that is WORTHY of what we’re about to do this fall together in The Sisterhood Membership. I’ve actually been at a crossroads lately in what I’m doing in this space as an entrepreneur and business owner. I took a leap at the top of the year and have been kind-of head down…moving forward. But I’ve been coming up for air recently to kind of do a pulse check and it’s like I’m in the middle of sea…like I can’t see any land around me to navigate towards. And in this space of true vulnerability + a little insecurity if I’m being real…I want to pop in your ear today and remind you that it’s NORMAL to not know the end of the story.

Something that’s helpful for me, though, is to look back when I’m getting really anxious about the unknown. Steve Jobs once said: "You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.”

It’s in the looking back that I build TRUST.

I build FAITH.

I build CONFIDENCE for what I’m capable of.

Bc think about it…if you did it BEFORE (whatever your “it” is)… how could you NOT do it again…and with even more experience and skills to show up and do it better?

So in this weird “what’s next” season I find myself in, I find comfort + grounding when I recognize that every unknown I faced in the past worked itself out…often times even BETTER than I imagined…so why would this time be any different?

What about in your life, sis? Is there something you can LOOK BACK ON that gives you trust, faith, and confidence that you’re wildly capable…even if you don’t really know the HOW TO’s or the END POINT just yet?

I did this recently. I decided to take a breath and look back at this exact time last year. And it’s wild. The first week of September I stopped. I hit a wall. I’ve actually never shared this story before bc it’s always been a little too raw. But I think it’s gonna be super valuable today in this space.

Let me share a piece of the message I wrote to my team after returning from a week away:

“…my spirit + soul are slowly taking some time right now to refill and I’m honoring that. After 9 years of coaching + pouring into this team + community with everything I’ve got…I’m (truthfully) tired. You probably are too. It’s a wild time we’re living in and things just keep getting louder and expectations keep piling on. I hope my example can help remind you that you don’t have to be everything to everyone all the time. That you’re allowed a break. I’m learning this the hard way as we speak…learning how to lay some things down. Failed attempts i badly want to “fix.” People who’ve hurt + deserted me along the way. Dreams + unmet expectations included. It’s all messy. Unclenching tight fists is not easy.”

It was right after this break that I started to realize I truly wasn’t okay. You wouldn’t have guessed it from the outside bc I’m able to function in my day to day at a high level…but alone with my thoughts, and worse…at home with my tiny family...my inner dialogue was just dark. And when I didn’t listen to that sign, my body started to tell me in physical ways. Our bodies know, friends. My head felt like it was being squished by a helmet on the daily and often my face would be numb.

Here’s the thing. Chronic stress in my life transitioned into deep burnout. And bc I felt such a deep responsibility to my work + my clients…and truly my calling…this burnout triggered my depression until I was at a breaking point.

I started to realize that if you broke a bone, you’d go to the ER and get help.
If you caught a cold, you’d go get some medicine and take a moment to get well.
If I could physically see your pain, I would want to step in with whatever I could do to help it go away + mend you better than before.

That’s when I knew I wasn’t helping anyone by trying to be a hero.

Looking back…it was right around this time that I restarted my journey with depression + anxiety medication. Taking that first pill was really hard. I cried while I gulped it down knowing that the road ahead is not a short cut. Healing isn’t a quick fix. Self care goes beyond bubble baths, right?

And as much as I would LOVE to Amazon Prime a full recovery to my doorstep, the best things in life aren’t cheap or quick. The rainbow comes after the storm. And as I’m healing I’m realizing, I don’t have to run or feel shame. I’m allowed to live - the good and the bad. There’s joy in this journey. Even when it’s hard. Bit by bit the light has been coming back. The burnout flame is dimming. The stress is releasing. Coming out of that dark space can feel like the clouds are lifting. And even though so much of my personal story with burnout has been a FIGHT over the past year…it feels GOOD to see those clouds part. It’s been WORTH the fight.

If this resonates with you…if you’re struggling today of you can see yourself in pieces of my story…I hope you know a few things:


Whether it’s depression. Burnout. Or you’re just really. freaking. TIRED. I want you to know that it will pass. Nothing lasts forever.

And SECOND…in my journey I had to come to terms that the longer I REPEATED PATTERNS that were leaving me tired, stressed, depressed, or burnt out…or the longer i REMAINED IN ENVIRONMENTS that were leaving me tired, stress, depressed, or burnt out….the longer I was going to see this OUTCOME continue to pop up in my life. I hate to admit how many times this cycle of burnout has crept back in.

With so much love I wanna nudge you. Is this you? Do you feel like you keep repeating the same lesson over and over again? Friend it’s bc you haven’t PASSED the TEST yet.

And tests are meant to help us. As a teacher, I gave my students TESTS to see if they were ready to move on to the next level…the tougher skills. The same is true for us. The tests are meant to see if you’re READY for the next level. If you’ve been repeating the same test, this is that truth love that you haven’t learned the lesson YET to move on. And I know you’re here. I know you wanna be GO BE GREAT in your world. I know you deeply desire to live ON and FOR a purpose. I know this about you.

And that’s where you have to decide how much it’s worth to you.

For me…being burnt out. Being chronically stressed and tired. Getting myself to the point of having to just ESCAPE. It wasn’t the look. It wasn’t what I knew I was called for.

Because I can’t serve anyone if I’m not well. And I can’t go be great (like I was telling my leaders to go do) if I’m not well. Literally NO ONE is benefiting when we run ourselves into the ground.

So I realized it had to START with me. I had to get to a place where I was at the end of myself. And then I had to show up and DO DIFFERENTLY.

Friends that’s the first place I’d tell you to look at if you’re struggling. Your habits. Your patterns. If you keep getting the same OUTCOME on the test…chances are you’re repeating the same ACTIONS along the way. It’s time to DO different if you wanna SEE different.

And second if you’re in a space where you’re struggling what if you popped yourself into a community that would empower you to SLOW DOWN and get curious about what needs to shift? A space where you aren’t alone but you’re also not allowed to camp out in. That’s what this fall in The Sisterhood Membership is all about. Going BEYOND BURNOUT.

If today’s episode spoke to you and you’re ready to…

▫️stop living overwhelmed, stressed, and on the brink of burn out…

▫️implement healthier ways to cope with the daily (inevitable) stress in your life…

▫️gain clarity + focus + intention on what truly matters MOST to you in this season…

▫️and do it all surrounded by a group of women who GET YOU + are on JOURNEY WITH YOU…

Then The Sisterhood Membership is definitely something you should check it.

Enrollment is OFFICIALLY open and doors close on Sept. 10th. This fall we’re digging deep into all things stress and overwhelm and burnout and really understanding the science behind it. And then I’m coaching you thru ways to truly HEAL from the chronic stress in your life. We’ll have coaching sessions and check ins. An expert in the field of relationships and burnout who is ALSO the author of a new book coming out in a few weeks called “Love your Kids without Losing Yourself.” Speaking of books…we have book club picks plus a virtual book club hang at the end of the season to share takeaways from what we’ve been learning. I’ve got virtual meet ups like a Reiki session and a Halloween inspired cheese board class. And truly…so much more. But the best part is you don’t do this ALONE.

Something I learned on my road to recovery when it came to burnout is that you can’t HEAL in ISOLATION. It’s just not possible. You weren’t made to do life or your journey alone. So if my style of coaching + community building resonates with you I’d LOVE for you to dive in and be a part of The Sisterhood Membership this fall. But even if that’s not in the cards for you I truly want to encourage you to get out there and surround yourself with others who are ditching the hustle culture mentality, breaking up with busy, and living lives that are more focused and intentional vs overworked and stressed.

To wrap up, though, I hope you know that I see you. I know you’re tired. I know you’ve been working so. freaking. hard. And I know that all that stress and all those hats you wear…gosh…I know you want to wear them well. But you can’t wear those hats if you’re too tired to even put them on. You can’t GO BE GREAT if you’re burnt out, stressed, and just at the end of your capacity. So let’s start finding rhythms this week that help us slow down. Do life a little different. To heal. To do the things differently that help us pass those tests down the road. I know it’s in you sis. I’m rooting for you and I believe in you.


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