How to ROMANTICIZE YOUR LIFE this fall 🤍🍂

In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

① What does ROMANTICIZING YOUR LIFE even mean?!
② The BENEFITS to Romanticizing your Life + How it can help with CONTENTMENT.
③ 4 Simple Ways to Romanticize your Life this Fall


Hello hello friends! I’m so pumped to dig into our topic today - HOW TO ROMANTICIZE YOUR LIFE THIS FALL…

But before I dive into that I have something for ya if you’re an avid listener to this podcast OR even if you’re the woman who’s stumbled upon this episode and you deeply desire to live life with intention and focus…this is for YOU.

ICYMI…ENROLLMENT IS OFFICIALLY OPEN for FALL in The Sisterhood Membership!!! And here’s the deal…this is a BIG DEAL bc if you’ve been around here for awhile you know that we ONLY open The Sisterhood Membership FOUR times a year and literally RIGHT NOW is your window to join us for the FALL SEASON which I’m so freaking excited about.

This season is all about going BACK TO THE BASICS - doing the things that help us feel our best.


  • Water.

  • Movement.

  • Meal plans.

  • Mindset.

  • Sleep.

  • Sunshine.

  • Getting around like-hearted humans.

You know…the things that are easy to do and also really easy NOT to do. Simply put, we're saying YES to LESS and going back to the fundamentals that help us feel our best and I’d love to have you join us!



Okay. Okay. I’m so pumped for that and can’t wait to welcome you in…but let me transition into today’s conversation…HOW TO ROMANTICIZE YOUR LIFE THIS FALL 🤍🍂

Let’s dive in. 🤍🍂


First of all…I am not your go to friend for all things trendy, so this word and idea might already be old and I might be so late to the game. If so…forgive me, but I think social media, music lyrics, and viral posts often rebirth ideas that were already out there. This being one of them. Maybe not said this way…but I’m sure you’ll see why as I start to break it down.

Basically, “romanticizing your life" means to take everyday, routine, route, and possibly mundane tasks and slow them down + simplify them enough to find deep appreciation, beauty, and maybe even a little wonder in them. Much like the way love is portrayed in a romance novel or movie, it's about finding joy and magic in the mundane and seeing your life as a story worth telling. This doesn’t mean ignoring reality or pretending that everything is perfect. Instead, it’s about choosing to focus on the moments that bring you peace, joy, and fulfillment, no matter how small…and creating an environment that fosters more and more of this.

Romanticizing your life is also an act of mindfulness. It’s about being present in the moment, savoring the details, and adding a touch of intentionality to your daily routines. It could be something like enjoying your morning coffee with a favorite book, taking a lunchtime walk and taking notice of the fall leaves, or even lighting candles during dinner to set a vibe.

It’s small, yes.
It’s intentional, absolutely.
It takes slowing down, 100%.
And these small things can snap us out of the day to day of surviving…almost like coming up for air, looking around, and realizing that you do, in fact, have a beautiful life.

Simply put…it’s taking NOTICE of the good in your life and BEING INTENTIONAL with creating more and more of the SIMPLE, SMALL GOOD THINGS.


I’m sure you can imagine that when we take notice of the good and start becoming intentional with creating more and more of the simple, small, good things…you’ll begin to notice a positive shift in your life. 100%. This way of living offers so many benefits - for your mental, your emotions, and even your physical well-being. Let’s dig into some of my faves:

  • Increased Gratitude: What you focus on you will find, right? If you’re always focused on lack, or the frustration, or the drama, or the problems and chaos…that’s what you’re going to find. The mind searches for what you focus on. But when you can focus on the beauty in your everyday life, you naturally begin to cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude for your life EXACTLY HOW IT IS - problems, drama, chaos and all. That doesn’t go away…but what you focus on shifts.

  • Enhanced Mindfulness: I know “mindfulness” can sound woo-woo-y and like this distant thing you’re constantly grabbing for but can never really obtain, but let’s get simple. When you intentionally look for, create, and enjoy the small moments, you become more present and engaged in your daily life. THIS is mindfulness at it’s core. And this can reduce stress, improve mental clarity, and increase your overall sense of peace.

  • Boosted Creativity: Naturally when you start to LOOK for ways to romanticize your life, you’re gonna start getting creative about how to do this. If you’re thinking “how can I make dinner time more of a vibe” you'll start to brainstorm ways to make that happen. If you’re thinking “what can I notice on my walk today?” you’ll be more aware to seek this out. The simple act of SEEKING out the beauty in your life naturally gets your creativity moving.

  • Better Boundaries + More Self Confidence: A natural consequence of slowing down, simplifying your life, and observing what you need/want is that you begin to prioritize your needs, desires, and well-being simultaneously. And the more you practice honoring your needs, the better your boundaries become and the more confidence you’ll have.

  • Slows You Down: You cannot romanticize your life if it’s consumed by chaos and reactionary decisions. This practice only happens when you intentionally choose to slow down and savor the moment. I once heard that hurry and love can’t co-exist and it makes sense, right? If I’m rushing out the door, late to dinner reservations, I’m not kind and loving to my husband. When I’m rushing thru my day from one thing to the next, it’s really hard for me to pause and listen to someone…like really listen…or care about someone if they genuinely need me. Romanticizing your life is much the same. You can commit to slowing down and living it out OR you can stay chained to hurry. But you can’t do both.

  • Helps You Be More Present and Intentional: Again, another natural consequence of this way of living is that when you romanticize your life you ultimately take NOTICE of what’s going on around you. Your senses are open and so you ground yourself in moments. And for me, this way of living helps remind me of what truly matters because I’m making my decisions and choosing my actions with intentionality.

  • Simplifies the Journey: I often feel like in my own journey…the times when it was most chaotic and complicated, it was a direct result of MY DOING. Can you relate? I think we over-complicate things as humans. Which is (shameless plug) why I’m so pumped about going BACK TO THE BASICS this fall in The Sisterhood Membership. The last few years of my life have felt like a removing. Of taking things off my plate. Of doing less, better. Focusing on what matters most. And when I do that, it frees up so much space to actually ENJOY and SOAK IN my life - the people, places, and memories thru it all.

WHY THIS HELPS WITH CONTENTMENT (esp during the holidays)

I feel like I have to include this bc if you’re anything like me, you most likely struggle with comparison and what trends are currently showing up on your social media feed. When I’m more tuned into what everyone else is doing, I’m very much NOT CONTENT with my own life. It’s this resistance I feel.

I look at her house and think “I should open Zillow and see if there’s a better house we could live in.”
I look at her likes, engagement, membership, clientele and I start to think maybe I’m not cut out for “this.”
I look at her skin care routine, morning routine, detox, workout plan, etc and think “that’s gonna be the solution to my problems”
I look at how she’s decorating for the fall or dressing for the season and all of a sudden I’m on Amazon with a cart full of things.

And then I close the app and I feel it.

Discontent with what I have.

I can’t be the only one. All of this can make us feel like we’re not doing enough, not living up to certain standards, or missing out on something better. Honestly, this is the main reason I’ve started to romanticize my life…it’s helped me shift the focus from what others are doing to what I have…right here…right now. And how I can experience that in a positive and meaningful way.

Maybe your Friendsgiving is a table for two, but you see Sally on social with a table of 20. Your life is still good. Your conversations get to still go deep. You aren’t doing it wrong.
Maybe you give your kids lunch money each day, but you see Susie making 17 variations on a Kid Friendly Bento Box. You’re also a good mom. Your kids are blessed to be eating. You aren’t doing it wrong.
Maybe you heat up frozen meals bc you’re so freaking tired when you get home from work and all the other things you do, but you see Stacey cooking from scratch every night. Again. You are good. You are enough. You aren’t doing it wrong. Neither is Sally, Susie, or Stacey (and zero offense if this is your name…).

Where we’re getting it wrong is thinking one is better than another. Getting trapped in a mindset that we aren’t doing enough, that we don’t have enough…eventually telling ourselves that we aren’t enough. This has been my story. Over and over and over again. And social media, for as much good as it does, is the thing that takes me from ABUNDANT to LACK in 5 seconds flat.

I’m sharing this now bc this time of year we start to see how others are decorating. How others are celebrating. Who others have in their life. What others are blessed to buy. The goals someone has checked off their vision board. And. Hear me loud and clear…


The one decorating her home? Maybe her marriage is failing.
The one getting all hyped to celebrate each and every holiday? Maybe she has childhood trauma she’s healing from.
The one who has a table full? Maybe the relationships are tense or surface level.
The one who buys all the things? Maybe she’s in deep debt.
The one who hit all the goals? Maybe she hustles for goals but has no one to call to celebrate with.

You just don’t know. You know?

So. Romanticizing your life is about embracing YOUR journey and finding contentment in YOUR life. Your life is just as worthy of admiration as anyone else's, and the beauty you seek when you open the app…gosh…9 times out of 10 it can be found right where you are if you just put your phone down and live your life.

4 Simple Ways to Romanticize Your Life This Fall

If you haven’t been romanticizing your life and at this point you feel 100% called out when it comes to contentment…the shifting of a fresh season, esp fall, is a great time to take inventory of the things that matter and what’s getting your YES. Before we wrap up, I know we love an example, so let’s chat thru some simple ways to romanticize your life this fall:

  • Create New Rituals for Fall: Ya’ll know I love routines. But I’m not going to say routines here because sometimes that can feel like multiple steps. No. Let’s go even simpler here. Create new RITUALS for fall that look different that what you do in the summer time - something you look forward to that helps you kick off your day on the right note, bring energy into the middle of your day, or finish on a fulfilled note. A few of my fave fall rituals I look forward to include grabbing seasonal creamers (hello pumpkin spice) to add to my morning coffee, going for a cooler walks with the dogs after dinner before the sun goes down, prepping seasonal meals - like warm oatmeal topped with apples, cinnamon, and a drizzle of maple syrup or pumpkin pastas, or chilis, at night time I swap out longer summer evenings outside in the pool with baths and books and candles lit…whatever it is find small rituals that help you fill your days with peace and joy…things that you look forward to.

  • Get Outside: I love when that first cold front comes in and you feel like you can just soak up all the fresh air. For me, FL is hot and steamy so when it comes, it just feels refreshing. I love to take advantage of this by spending time outside. Going for a walks and noticing how the trees and leaves are changing, sitting on the patio with my morning coffee, going to apple orchards or pumpkin patches. Wherever you are I’m sure there are fun fall things that are specific to this time of year, so get out of your house and do those things.

  • Indulge in Seasonal Comforts: Fall is the season of pulling my flannels back out, getting my leggings into the mix, warm blankets, and comforting foods. Treat yourself to a hot apple cider, bake a pumpkin pie, or curl up with a good book by the fireplace. Surround yourself with the comforts that make you feel warm and content.

  • Set the Mood: Use lighting, scents, and music to create an atmosphere that makes you feel at ease. This is when I swap out my summer candles for fall scents and light them while I’m working, get chili going in my crock pot on a Sunday and let it fill up the house while I doing my weekend reset, or get a fall playlist going while I make dinner. Setting the mood can make even the simplest activities feel special…and that’s the whole purpose behind romanticizing your life.

Alright friends. Can you season why this topic aligns so beautifully with this space? Mainly bc it takes FOCUS + INTENTION in creating a life we love to live. To me, romanticizing your life isn’t a fad. It’s a lifestyle. If you’re romanticizing your life this fall and putting this into practice, I encourage you not to simply follow trends. Change your posture. Create intentional moments that bring more peace and joy and fulfillment into your life.

Slow down.
Seek out what’s good in your world.
Open up your eyes to the simple things.
And be intentional about weaving the things you love into your daily routines.

Your life is worthy of admiration just as it is, and what I’m learning is that the things I often seek on social are often right where I’m at. And the same can be true for you, friends. I’m rooting for you and I can’t wait to see you back here next week on The Self Care Sisterhood Podcast. 🖤🤟🏼


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