In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

③ 5 simple ways to get your “DAILY D.O.S.E.” of HAPPY BRAIN CHEMICALS


Hello hello friends! I’m excited for a little quick fire episode to kick off the week with a topic + some tangible tips that…let’s be real - WE ALL NEED: how to hack your happy brain chemicals…but before I get to that I have to remind you…at the time I’m recording this, women have been CLAIMING spots for the VERY FIRST SISTERHOOD RETREAT. I truly can’t WAIT for the retreat and all the transformation, growth, + friendships coming (and honeslty just SPOIL the women who GET HERE with an unforgettable time). I know what retreats have done in MY LIFE and I know what it can do for you, too no matter where you’re at in your journey. So. If you’re looking for a girls weekend meets self care meets all things growth, getting out of your own way, and making PROGRESS towards what matters most to you…you’ve got to hurry up and grab a spot for our VERY FIRST SISTERHOOD RETREAT. It’s here in Tampa FL, August 30th - Sept 2nd and all the details + link to grab your spot are on my website - www.inspirebeautybritt.com/retreat OR you can DM me on Instagram with any q’s and I’m happy to help. Just wanted to pop in and share that FIRST bc the spots are going to go and once the 10 fill up I won’t have space until I announce the next retreat.

Okay…let’s talk all things HAPPY 😊 BRAIN CHEMICALS.

TBH this is a topic I’ve wanted to chat thru for awhile now, and it’s for good reason. When I started my journey with depression in 2016 I really didn’t want to stay on meds forever. It’s an area I’m working on still to this day, bc it’s complex. I’m pro meds. 100%. I know the power they have in my life to help me function at my best. And there’s still this stigma I carry that maybe I can power thru on my own. That’s why I said it’s complex. I want to be well…and for whatever reason I want to do it on my own. I know…I know…BUT I will say, though, I’ve talked a lot about the power of not only relying on medication to “do the job” when you’re not at your best. Pairing meds and also understanding the way our brains function and how to tap into these feel good, happy chemicals that we have access to is so KEY. And you don’t have to be diagnosed with depression, anxiety, or a mental illness to benefit. No matter where you are on the mental health spectrum, we could ALL use a little hacking when it comes to the happy stuff, right? The nonstop, go go go, stress of our daily lives is reason enough, right? And esp for the woman listening in who is always striving for her goals + pushing herself, it’s easy to find yourself teetering on the edge of overwhelm and burnout. I’ve been there. That's why today’s topic is essential bc did you know that certain things you do actually RELEASE your body’s “Happy Chemicals”?! 🧪

I like to remember it by calling it my DAILY D.O.S.E.

D.O.S.E. stands for the happy chemicals in our brains - dopamine, oxytocin, serotonin, and endorphins. Today I want to break down what each hormone is and how to naturally tap into it to feel your BEST. Let’s dive in. 🖤


Dopamine is the feel good hormone responsible for managing the brain’s reward center. It's what keeps us driven towards our goals and fuels our sense of accomplishment. It’s often labeled as the "reward" neurotransmitter, bc when we produce dopamine the result is we get feelings of pleasure, motivation, and reinforcement for whatever it is we’re doing. That’s why dopamine is tricky. Bc you can also get those little hits from things that don’t really serve + support your best self. Artificial dopamine triggers could be desserts/junk food, social media scrolling, or alcohol where it gives you the momentary hit of dopamine, but it’s connected an addictive pattern that isn’t in your best interest. Here are some of my fave (productive) ways to get the dopamine flowing:


✻ SET GOALS + ACHIEVE THEM: This doesn’t have to be anything huge, friends. This can be as simple as checking something off your to-do list for the day. There’s a reason we love to write things down just so we can check them off. It release dopamine! But if it is a bigger goal, it’s important to celebrate milestones along the way so you can trigger the release of dopamine and keep your motivation levels high as you pursue your goals without feeling like you’ll never “get there.”

✻ MOVE YOUR BODY DAILY: This is why I move my body, ya’ll. For the INNER BOOST I get. Physical activity, regardless if it's a walk, yoga, or a fitness class, boosts dopamine levels in the brain. I like to aim for at least 30 minutes of movement everyday to keep my mental health in a feel-good state bc I can totally tell when I’ve stopped moving my body.

✻ GET GRATEFUL: This is a KEY PIECE of the WIN THE MORNING journal (shameless plug and shout out!) for a reason, ya’ll. Recognizing the positive aspects of your life can stimulate dopamine production and shift your focus towards abundance. So, my most basic practice is to jot down 5 things I’m grateful for each morning in my journal OR I think about things as my head hits the pillow each night that I’m grateful for from the day. And if you get stuck, it’s always helpful for me to ask “If I woke up tomorrow and it was gone, what would I insanely miss?” Those are the things to be grateful for.

✻ TRY COLD EXPOSURE: Cold showers or cold exposure therapy, like cold plunges, are basically YOU…placing yourself intentionally in a state of discomfort…which then stimulates dopamine production. Cold exposure, in particular, has been shown to increase dopamine levels in the brain as a response to the stress of the cold environment. And one of the BIG reasons I do this often and this has become a staple in my life is bc I remind myself that I can do hard things. I have a friend who always says “we don’t get into the cold to get good at the cold…we get into the cold to get good at life” and I love that. Every time I plunge I remind myself that I am capable of overcoming challenges and building resilience for the hard things in life.

✻ GET SOME SLEEP: This one is EVERY THING for me, friends. When I am well rested I am a DIFFERENT BRITTANY. I shared a few weeks back that sometimes you aren’t lacking motivation. Sometimes you’re TIRED, right? So prioritize quality sleep and in turn that will also support your dopamine production. Aim for 7-9 hours of uninterrupted sleep each night to recharge your brain and enhance your mood.

🖤Oxytocin: The Love Hormone

Oxytocin is often referred to as the "bonding" or “love” hormone. And this plays a crucial role in social connection, trust, and intimacy. It's released in abundance during moments of physical touch, affection, and intentional interactions. Let me share some of my fave hacks for boosting the love hormore:


✻ TWENTY SECOND HUGS: Giving a hug to your partner or a loved one is a simple way to increase oxytocin BUT…research shows it’s powerful to linger longer in the hug. Most of the time hugs last around one second and we move on. Olympic athletes in celebration hug for about 3 seconds. But what if you just stayed in it for 20 seconds. I do this with my husband Charles when I’m having a difficult day. I ask him to hug me for a long time. And it works. I feel myself able to exhale, relax into his arms, release my tension, and calm down. Seriously. Try it when you get home tonight. A 20 second hug. It’s the best.

✻ QUALITY TIME: As an outgoing introvert this one is a little harder for me bc I could totally bypass the whole QT thing. Quality time is NOT my love language, but I also know it’s so so important for our mental health + accessing those happy brain chemicals. When you prioritize meaningful interactions with friends, family, and even pets it releases oxytocin and also builds connection. And ya’ll know I preach that we aren’t made to do our journeys or lives alone. QT activities that promote bonding + deepening relationships could include, sharing a meal, going for a walk with a loved one, or simply having deeper level conversations where you can relate with one another. This is an area I have to INTENTIONALLY seek out in my life but it really makes a difference when I do.

✻ RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS: We all love the feeling when someone randomly gifts us a coffee in the drive thru line or we have flowers on our desk just because. And while that’s really fun to be on the receiving end of someone else’s kindness, it actually pays to pay if forward to others. Whether it's complimenting a stranger, volunteering in your community, or helping a friend in need, paying it forward boosts oxytocin levels and promotes feelings of goodwill and connection.

✻ GRATITUDE (AGAIN): Okay so not only does daily gratitude help release dopamine, but it also helps boost your oxytocin levels, too. Win win, right? In this case…as it pertains to the love hormone, trying expressing your appreciation towards others openly and sincerely. Maybe send a thank-you note, give a genuine compliment to a co-worker, or thank you partner for the specific work they did around the house + let them know how that was meaningful. Whatever it is, showing gratitude in your relationships can strengthen bonds and enhance oxytocin release.

✻ RELAX, YO: Isn’t that like the WORST thing to be told? To just relax? I know. I know. But hear me out…relaxation techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or gentle yoga should 100% be added into your daily routine bc these practices help reduce stress levels and promote oxytocin release, which is why we end up doing them and feeling a sense of calmness afterwards. It doesn’t have to be long either. I like to put on 5 or 10 min meditations. You can do 1 min of square breathing (4 counts inhale, hold for 4, exhale for 4, and then hold for 4). Or you could even do some gentle yoga while you wind down at night.

✌🏼Serotonin: The Mood Stabilizer

Serotonin is often hailed as the "feel-good" neurotransmitter, regulating mood, appetite, and sleep. It plays a key role in promoting feelings of happiness, contentment, and emotional well-being. It’s also the chemical that tends to be lacking in people with depression, so this one is the one I love to focus on in my journey. There are a lot of ways to hack this hormone and you’re gonna notice that A LOT of these are duplicates from the first two (dopamine + oxytocin) which basically means those are the ones we should really hone in on, right?


✻ SUN BATHE: Okay here’s the deal…my dog Frankie LIVES for sunbathing. It’s his happy place and honestly, it’s mine too. I’m actually prepping this episode OUTSIDE for this very reason. When I’m outdoors I just FEEL better. Ever notice in the winter when it’s a little dark + dreary…the days are shorter, the sky tends to be less clear…that your mood takes a hit? It’s bc of this right here. VITAMIN D + the power of getting into the sunshine. Even if you don’t live where it’s sunny all year round, you can still benefit from getting outdoors and soaking up natural light. Sunlight exposure stimulates serotonin production in the brain, lifting your mood and energy levels. My goal is to get outside daily, especially in the morning to help kick off my day and wake me up.

✻ FUEL YOUR BODY TO FEEL YOUR BEST: What you eat matters, friends. And when you give your body nutrient-rich foods it actually supports your serotonin production. And the fake chemical, processed crap isn’t doing anything to help your mood. It might give you a short burst of dopamine, but it’s not lasting and when it wears off all you’re left with is an empty bag of chips and that blah feeling. I’m not for dieting and I’m not for deprivation. So my philosophy is “fuel your body in ways that help you feel your best.” Just like I said with movement how I can tell if it’s been awhile…the same is true here. When I’ve been traveling and out of my normal cooking routine or when events pop up or we’ve been eating out more than normal I can tell the toll it takes on my overall well-being. Not just on my body, but on my mind too.

✻ MOVE YOUR BODY (AGAIN): I told ya’ll some of these would be recurring themes. Moving your body being one of them. Regular exercise is not only beneficial for dopamine release but also for serotonin production. Aerobic activities that get your heart pumping like jogging, cycling, or swimming, elevate serotonin levels and promote a sense of well-being. Simply put, movement matters for your mental health.

✻ RELAX (AGAIN): I know no one wants to be told to relax, but it’s interesting that we are seeing it again. Meditation, deep breathing, and relaxation techniques play a huge role in the production of our happy brain chemicals, helping to reduce stress + anxiety while boosting serotonin activity in the brain.

✻ GET SOME SLEEP (AGAIN): So here we are…moving your body seems to be a common theme, mindfulness + relaxation techniques, AND NOW…sleep. Seriously you can’t skip this part friends. Restful, quality sleep supports optimal serotonin function. To do this, try to establish a consistent sleep schedule, create a relaxing bedtime/PM routine, and create a sleep environment that helps you fall (+ stay asleep). All of this is so helpful for me when it comes to getting true, restorative sleep and enhancing my serotonin levels.

💊Endorphins: The Pain Reliever

Alright and the last piece of your DAILY D.O.S.E. are endorphins. Endorphins are the body's natural painkillers, produced in response to stress and discomfort. They induce feelings of euphoria and alleviate pain, acting as natural mood lifters. It’s like when you hear about someone having a “runner’s high." This experience is connected to the release of endorphins during the run. Which leads me to….you guessed it…


✻ MOVE YOUR BODY (AGAIN AGAIN): If you didn’t see the theme, friends, IDK what to say. Moving your body is so KEY for mental health and it’s honestly why this space exists. Bc I realized that we looked at our physical self care all wrong…we look at what it can do to the OUTSIDE of our body, but gosh…it does so so much for the INSIDE, too. Regular exercise in your routine triggers the release of endorphins. These are going to be your heart pumping cardio activities, like running, cycling, or high-intensity interval training (HIIT). These types of movement stimulate the production of endorphins, leaving you feeling energized and uplifted afterwards which is why a post work workout is amazing after a stressful day OR a morning movement sesh is a great way to kick off the day on a high note.

✻ LAUGH OUT LOUD: Friends we start to take life SO FREAKING SERIOUSLY as we age, right? I hope it’s not just me. One of the best things for my brain health is surrounding myself with humor and laughter. Some simple ways you can do this include watching a funny movie or show, attending a comedy show (ya’ll we just saw Nate Bergatsy this year live and he is HILARIOUS. His style of humor is clean and just funny…if you can’t catch him live, he’s got lots of specials on Netflix), or the easiest way is to share a good laugh with friends. I had some girls over for a ladies night the other week and a very large stink bug flew into the house and ya’ll…we almost peed ourselves laughing at how ridiculous the situation was as we tried to decide whether to catch it, kill it, or find a way to let it outside. No matter how you find your laughs, just know that it triggers endorphin release and promotes a sense of well-being.

✻ PLAY SOME TUNES: Music is so healing, right? And IDK about you, but when I’m in a funk, a song can completely change my mood. My advice is to make a playlist called MOOD BOOSTER and play it anytime you need a little endorphin boosting reset.

✻ RELAX (…NO SERIOUSLY): One more time for the people in the back. Relaxation matters and it has a LOT to do with the production of happy chemicals in your brain. To boost endorphins, you’re gonna want to do some deep breathing exercises. Deep breathing, specifically, triggers the release of endorphins, helping to alleviate tension and promote a sense of calm. Have I convinced you yet? 😉

✻ GET A MASSAGE: When’s the last time you got a massage? My husband Charlie and I have had a Massage Envy membership for as long as I can remember and it’s everything. Massages release tension and promote relaxation, duh right? But how often do we KNOW something but we don’t DO it? Massage therapy is a great way to stimulate the production of endorphins, relieving pain and promoting an overall sense of well-being + calm. And even if you can’t get a full on massage, maybe it’s as simply as rubbing your partner’s back, neck, or feet OR if you’re flying solo you could use a foam roller, a tennis ball, or even a massage gun on your body to get the effects.

So. A quick chat today with some simple tips for naturally boosting those HAPPY BRAIN CHEMICALS. And hopefully it will be easy to remember using the idea of “YOUR DAILY D.O.S.E.”





These are my FAVE ways to boost my happy brain chemicals and I can’t wait to hear how that works as you apply it to your own life + journey. Be sure to share this episode on your social and tag me so I can see what you’re loving + learning along the way. I’m rooting for you. And I can’t wait to see you back here next time on The SELF CARE Sisterhood Podcast. 🖤🤟🏼


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HIS + HERS | 10 years together, how we’re REALLY doing in transition, making friends as an adult, + what’s guiding our JOY these days.
