Resetting Routines: Creating FALL ROUTINES That Work for You 🤍🍂

In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

① Taking ownership over your routines as we shift into FALL


Hello hello friends! I’m so pumped to dig into how I’m RESETTING MY ROUTINES for a focused + intentional FALL SEASON…

But before I dive into that I have something for ya if you’re an avid listener to this podcast OR even if you’re the woman who’s stumbled upon this episode and you deeply desire to live life with intention and focus…this is for YOU.

We’re opening enrollment for FALL in The Sisterhood Membership  next Monday!!! And here’s the deal…this is a BIG DEAL bc if you’ve been around here for awhile you know that we ONLY open The Sisterhood Membership FOUR times a year and kicking off Monday (Aug 26th thru Sept 8th) is gonna be your window to join us for the FALL SEASON which I’m so freaking excited about.

This season is all about going BACK TO THE BASICS - doing the things that help us feel our best


  • Water.

  • Movement.

  • Meal plans.

  • Mindset.

  • Sleep.

  • Sunshine. 

You know…the things that are easy to do and also really easy NOT to do. Simply put, we're saying YES to LESS and going back to the fundamentals that help us feel our best and I’d love to have you join us!

SO…IF PART OF YOUR FALL RESET IS GETTING BACK TO THE BASICS OF FEELING YOUR BEST, BE SURE TO GET ON MY VIP WAIT LIST bc i’m emailing everyone on that list MONDAY morning with a link to join us.


Okay. Okay. I’m so pumped for that and can’t wait to welcome you in…but let me transition into today’s conversation…RESETTING YOUR ROUTINES FOR FALL 🤍🍂

I’m not going to say I love fall BEST bc I straight up LOVE warm weather and you will NEVER see me wish away the long summer days and sunshine…but I DO love the fall and bc it’s on the horizon I wanted to get your prepped + focused as we transition soon into a new season. There’s something about leaves changing, the air cooling, pumpkin spice everything, pumpkin patches and apple picking, and Trader Joe’s fall VIBES that I’m here for, ya know? And with a fresh season ahead of us, I want to remind you that -


Whether you're heading back to work, getting your kids ready for school, or simply looking to bring more structure into your day, today's episode is gonna be jam packed with practical tips and a sprinkle of inspiration to help you create a schedule + routines that support your mind, body, and spirit for an incredible + memorable FALL. Let’s dive in. 🤍🍂

① Reflect on Your Current RoutineS

If you’ve spent any time around me, this podcast, the membership, etc…you know I’m always going to start with reflections bc how the heck can we get anywhere if we’re not absolutely clear on where we are CURRENTLY AT, right? I won’t park here long, but I want you to think thru the last few months and ask yourself -

  • What about your routines is WORKING right now? Can that come with you into the next season? Or will something have to shift?

  • What parts of your day feel the most stressful or chaotic? Is there a way to change that?

  • Where do you feel like you’re losing time or energy? Any time suckers or energy drainers that need shifting/boundaries?

  • What activities bring you joy and fulfillment? Is there anything you wish your were doing more of? Less of?

Reflection gets us out of the victim mentality and allows us to take ownership over what’s happening in our lives and what’s within our control.

② Define Your Priorities

Each season offers a unique opportunity to look at what matters MOST. When we head into the summer, maybe it’s the longer days, free-er feelings of time expanding, vacations and road trips and ice cream and getting back to our inner child. As we shift into fall, the days will start to get shorter. The weather will get cooler (well, not really where I live, but that’s a FL problem, amen?!). School and sports start to kick back into full swing. Holidays approach. The year winds down. All of this makes it natural to place our priorities in these spaces.



  • Family

  • School, sports, or extra-curriculars

  • Work or career goals

  • Personal health and wellness

  • Hobbies and personal growth

  • Margin and white space (yes…this can be a priority!)

  • Social connections + relationships

  • Holidays, birthdays, or anything unique to the season

Once you have your list…once you know what matters MOST to you this season, OWN THAT. This is where boundaries come into play. Boundaries keep what’s important at the FOREFRONT of your YES. Knowing what comes first will help you make decisions with a lot more ease and less guilt.

For me, the fall is a time of slowing down, decorating the home, + enjoying the unique flavors, scents, foods, and activities of the season. Knowing this helps me protect my BEST YES bc I know what matters to me in this season.


When I talk about routines, it stands to say that WE ALL HAVE ROUTINES. I’m about to talk about alllllll the routines - morning, evening, etc - and the first thing I hear is usually something like “I don’t have a morning routine.” But that’s the thing. YOU DO. We all have routines. Your routines are WHAT YOU DO ROUTINELY. Sleeping in and no alarm clock might be your summer routine if it’s done routinely. The question isn’t DO I HAVE A ROUTINE? The better question is -


So let’s talk about three different routines - MORNING, EVENING, and the block of time where WORK, SCHOOL, or BEING THE CEO OF YOUR HOUSE fits in.

✻ MORNING ROUTINE - For this routine I simply want you to start your day with intention. Whether it’s a quiet cup of coffee, a quick workout, a podcast while you shower + get ready - find a way to ground yourself before the day’s demands (and everyone else’s) take over.

✻ EVENING ROUTINE - One thing that’s been working for me that I want to carry over into this season is BOOK ENDING MY DAY with intention. So just like in the morning, I want you to end your day with intention. In the evening, though, the activities should help you wind down your day…anything that helps you relax and prepare for restful sleep. This might include reading, journaling, or a calming bath. At about 7:30 I start my wind down routine and it looks like - washing the dishes/cleaning up the kitchen, putting the dog’s toys away and taking them outside one more time for potty, skin care routine, contacts out, workout clothes laid out, and then I get in bed with whatever fiction book I’m currently reading. Sometimes I do a midnight mocktail with magnesium + tart cherry juice to help set the relaxing vibe, but most nights…this is the process. Nothing crazy, but it is intentional and sets me up for success the following day.

✻ WORK / SCHOOL / BEING THE CEO OF YOUR HOUSE - And lastly, we have routines we do with our work, our school, and even (gosh…especially!) if you work in the home. I think now more than ever it’s easy to just work all the time. Grab your phone and check emails while you relax on the couch. Answer that one message. Multi-task on that assignment or project. But friends, this is a sure fire road to burnout. My advice as we head into the fall and all the work, school, care taking responsibilities pick back up is to block out the dedicated time for it and stick to it as best as possible. Your kids want you PRESENT at the soccer practice…not on your cell phone answering emails. Your husband wants you PRESENT after work…not still posting on social media. When we can put boundaries and routines around our work it helps us get REAL rest and recharge, which boosts your productivity and prevents burnout. None of us were made to work 24/7/365 so own this routine if you haven’t yet.


Alright…and lastly…but probably most importantly, you’ve got to PLAN YOUR HIGHLIGHT REEL, ya’ll. You know on social how you see the best of the best moments from someone? Like when your friend heads to the pumpkin patch and carves jack-o-lantern’s even though she’s single. Or that girl who makes homemade PSL’s, caramel apples, and pumpkin muffins and inspires you to do the same? Or maybe you see the family taking the annual fall photos and wish you had remembered this year to make time for that.


What are the HIGHLIGHTS + MEMORIES you want to make this fall? Plan for them and then schedule them into your calendar. This goes back to PRIORITIES. If you are too busy to have time for fun, you’re too busy. I had a friend reach out recently who is struggling and everything she shared was REAL and HARD and SERIOUS. And my heart broke and I get it. Sometimes life is LIFE-ING, right? But I also wondered and asked her “when’s the last time you had any fun?” We can’t be so busy being so serious that we forget to point of it all…life is meant to be LIVED. We are human BEINGS not human DOINGS. So how can you BE this fall? What can you plan for that will make your highlight reel and inspire someone else to pause and soak in the season?

Alright friends. A quick episode today but I hope it inspires you as we transition into a fresh season to take a moment and get clear on WHAT IS GOING TO GET YOUR YES THIS FALL.

  • Reflect on what’s working, what’s not, what needs to shift.

  • Get clear on your priorities coming into the next season.

  • Reset anything about your morning, night-time, or work routines that you need to

  • And then plan out your highlights for FALL

Remember that your ROUTINES are within your control. Let’s not allow a season to pass wondering “where the time went” simply surviving. Instead, let’s create a schedule + routines that support your mind, body, and spirit for an incredible + memorable FALL. I’m rooting for you and I can’t wait to see you back here next week on The Self Care Sisterhood Podcast. 🖤🤟🏼


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