In todayā€™s post weā€™ll chat thruā€¦

ā‘  How our CHOICES impact our journey.
ā‘” The 4 stages of TRANSFORMATION in becoming UNSTOPPABLE.


Happy HAPPY 2024 friends. šŸŖ©šŸ„‚āœØ Iā€™m so freaking pumped to be back on the blog kicking off a FRESH YEAR with yaā€™ll. šŸ„³ In 2023 my biggest goal was to just get this community UP and RUNNING. I wanted a space where women could come and be poured into each week. A space where we were real + raw about the journey of living a life on + for a purpose. And a space where we didnā€™t feel so alone in our journeys + the uncomfy spaces along the way that translate into growth.

And as we head into a fresh year, I am committed to creating more and more of that type of content for YOU. The woman who knows she was made for more. The woman who deeply desires to wear her hats well. The woman who also wants to make sure she cares for herself along the way, too. This past year I coached myself a lot in making what I was calling at the time ā€œbest self choices.ā€ Things like hitting my water goals, sticking to my meal plan, cold therapy, movement, getting outside for dog walks, limiting alcohol, getting quality rest, journaling, meditation, and the list goes on...

And the more and more I showed up to these choices, I began to realize that while, YES, I have the potential to feel like my BEST SELF when I do these particular things (hence the nameā€¦BEST SELF CHOICES), I also realized that this dance is delicate. I donā€™t always get it right. Can we NORMALIZE not being perfect every single day, yaā€™ll? Can we NORMALIZE that even though I DO the things that help me FEEL my bestā€¦.Iā€™m a freaking human and I donā€™t always ACT my best?

I started to realize that my choices donā€™t always leave me as my ā€œbest.ā€ And thatā€™s the reality of the human experienceā€¦not every day is going to be your best. We have highs and lows and inbetweens. I realized, that these choicesā€¦they actually DO something entirely MORE powerful. When I show up to these ā€œbest self choicesā€ (even if Iā€™m not ā€œat my bestā€) they help me become UNSTOPPABLE. Bc consistency is my game for the things that help me move the needle towards my best self. Does that make sense? I hope soā€¦bc

This YEAR I want to help you become UNSTOPPABLE.

The kind of you who is focused. Intentional. Clear. And consistent AF.

Hereā€™s the deal, though. Being unstoppable doesnā€™t mean you never experience fear or face setbacks. Itā€™s about not allowing fear or failure to dictate your next best choice. Itā€™s about peeling back the layers one by one that have covered up your truest, most confident self and stepping boldly into the life you were created to live out and lead.

I know I call this a SELF CARE sisterhood, but to me, self care goes beyond the bubble baths. Real self care is a deep ownership of the life you were given. And thatā€™s where I wanna go this year, together.

So to startā€¦how do we become unstoppable in 2024 and beyond?! Letā€™s dive in.

BECOMING UNSTOPPABLE in 2024: The Four Stages of Transformation

If you know me you know Iā€™m a junkie for all things personal + professional growth / development. I love going to events and I love making sure on my calendar every year I have a couple virtual events sprinkled in the mix. A few years back I attended a virtual event called the ā€œUNSTOPPABLE WOMAN SUMMIT.ā€ It was led by Karissa Kouchis who is a part of the Tony Robbins team. I love this event because itā€™s curated for women and itā€™s just electric.

During the event we got this framework for becoming unstoppable and itā€™s honestly stuck ever since. Nothing Iā€™m going to share with you is mind blowing today but isnā€™t that how it goes? The most transformative things are usually found in the simplest of daily practices. My goal is to help you walk away from this time together feeling a little more confident and with a little more purpose, so that you can get after all thatā€™s laid on your heart in the year to come and beyond.


The journey to becoming unstoppable begins with getting really freaking CLEAR about your current foundation. When we were building our home in Dallas I couldnā€™t start with adding in all the fun decor and inner projects. It started with getting the ground prepped and ready to HOLD the kind of dreams we had for that space. Your journey is no different. If your foundation is shakey then everything you build on top will also be. You want something you can stand on.

When something is OFF we tend to feel it, right? Especially as women. Itā€™s those internal, gut feelings. Part of growing into our most unstoppable self is not allowing those inner knowings to go unheard. We have to listen bc the quicker we can get to the root of why something is off, the quicker we can rebuild. Maybe itā€™s that the work you once loved has become more like a cage holding you back. Or youā€™ve outgrown a relationship. Or maybe you canā€™t really put your finger on it but you just know that lately youā€™ve been feeling a little blah.

I know for me a lot of times in my journey I was the thing that was holding me back. Can anyone relate? Tony Robbins says it perfectlyā€¦

ā€œWe only grow our life and business success to the level where we have placed chokeholds on ourselves.ā€

Chokeholds, in this case, could be limiting beliefs we have or mental fears we rehearse over and over againā€¦basically anything thatā€™s stopping us from getting started. And bc of these, we die inside our head even before our real biological time is upā€¦never taking the chance to design the life, relationships, health, business, etc that we dream of. Truthfullyā€¦just settling. Thatā€™s where that blah feeling comes in. Weā€™re no longer living in alignment with our potential and that feeling is a sign itā€™s time to level up.

So whatā€™s holding you back? What are some of the ideas or dreams youā€™ve allowed to die out in your mind? This is where we bring them back to life. Where we AWAKEN those dreams that have laid dormant. Where you realize that if itā€™s laid on your heart, itā€™s for YOU. Get clear on what it is you want to achieveā€¦but ALSO get clear on the type of woman you desire to be. Instead of just thinking ā€œI want to lose 10 lbsā€ becoming unstoppable is owning the fact that you are a healthy woman who takes care of her body.

Truth bomb, friends. Itā€™s a form of self abandonment when you resist making a change you know could improve your life.

Get clear on what you want. Own it. Make it YOURS.


One of the greatest human desires is to have a life marked my meaningful pursuits. A piece of scripture I love says that the people will perish where there is no vision (Proverbs 29:18) and I canā€™t agree more. The times in my life when Iā€™ve felt MOST LOST are the times when Iā€™ve lacked vision for where I want to go. When Iā€™m just living the same day on loop. Gosh friendsā€¦there is nothing worse for your performance in life than to wake up and simply go thru the motions of living over and over and over again. I donā€™t want that kind of life and I have a sneaking suspicion that if youā€™re hereā€¦you donā€™t either.

Most people get stuck in step one bc they KNOW somethings off and probably even KNOW what needs to change. They get clear. They see the gap. And then they get discouraged. But if you want to become UNSTOPPABLE you have to move THRU discouragement into action. If you feel discouraged and you stop that simply means you stopped allowing yourself to be in PROGRESS. But if you can feel discouraged and move THRU it, this means youā€™re GROWING. Discouragement is simply a mirror of what you donā€™t know or the skills you donā€™t have, YET.

So what do you really WANT with your one precious life? This is about envisioning a future that aligns with what YOU actually want and then setting the stage for profound and lasting change. But hear me outā€¦just because you envision all these amazing things doesnā€™t mean you need to rush thru January and get it all done. Thereā€™s time. I promise.

At the top of last year I was looking at a blank slate. I had recently laid down my fitness coaching business and was looking at the year ahead just ENVISIONING all I could do. And TBH it was A LOT. So I took time to get it all out of my head (where it felt really freaking overwhelming) and onto something tangible I could see + hold. I grabbed a marker and a white board and wrote out all the really cool things I could do in the year to come. Things that would align with where I wanted my life to go and a foundation that was strong enough to hold me through it. Nothing was off limits. Nothing was too small or too big to write down. If it was an idea I had for the business that I thought I could be good at ONE DAY I wrote it out.

Why am I telling you this? Because after I wrote out that list I did something most people arenā€™t going to talk about in a blog about being UNSTOPPABLE -


I took everything in. Looked at what made the MOST sense to start first that would help ALL THE OTHER goals eventually happen. And then I gave it an entire quarter to implement. I grabbed my calendar and assigned a FOCUS to each quarter based on the goals I had set. By the time I got to the end of the year I was BLOWN AWAY at how much I had created + checked off of that original vision in such a short amount of time. And itā€™s bc I got clear, I grabbed onto a vision, and I worked through it in BITE SIZE chunks.

I donā€™t know what your vision looks like, but I do know that it probably feels really overwhelmingā€¦like how do I get THERE from HERE?!

I get this. Which is why Iā€™m telling you youā€™ve GOT to slow down. There is no rush on your calling. There is no hurry to get your purpose. You are living it out everytime you show up and do the dang thing.

Stage 3: MAKE IT REAL.

This transitions into the next stage of becoming unstoppable and thatā€™s where we MAKE IT REAL by DOING THE DANG THING. Thinking about change is one thing, but living it is another. You actually have to DO things and LIVE the transformation out in order to get to the results you desire. Transformation is when we make our dreams + goals REAL. Itā€™s a growing season and friendsā€¦you know I say growth looks good on you but IT. IS. HARD. I donā€™t think this gets talked about enough and I want to normalize that there will be struggle on the way to your goals.

As children, many of us learn about the life cycle of a caterpillar morphing into a butterfly. The story, as I would tell it to my students + how you probably remember it too, usually began with a very hungry caterpillar hatching from an egg. The caterpillar eats ALL the leaves, growing bigger and longer and then one day, it stops eating, hangs upside down from a twig or leaf and spins itself a silky cocoon. From there, the caterpillar transforms its body, emerging as this beautiful butterfly. Like magic, right?

And thatā€™s a fairly accurate and fun way to tell in a story or remember as a kid. But thatā€™s not really the whole story. That cute little picture leaves out some pretty significant details. The change inside the chrysalis is slow and gradual while the caterpillarā€™s body literally digests itself from the inside out. Yaā€™ll. DIGESTS ITSELF. And if thatā€™s not enoughā€¦the caterpillar is attacked by the same sort of juices that it used in its earlier life to digest food. The same things that once were GOOD for a caterpillar are now destroying it. Thereā€™s a reason we feel growing PAINS, yaā€™ll bc this is what it feels like when youā€™re remaining in spaces + around people youā€™ve outgrown. If you were to open up a chrysalis at this stage, what was once a caterpillar would look like what they call ā€œcaterpillar soup.ā€

This is what it takes to become the butterfly. Thereā€™s a breakdown involved. Thereā€™s a transformation that often happens in spaces no one else can see in order to get us to the next level.


This is a growing season. A season of change and shedding. Of letting things fall away that can no longer come with us. Of allowing new things to grow in their place. This is the space to surrender and just be.

Most people donā€™t love this step. Thatā€™s why most people donā€™t become unstoppable. If youā€™re lucky enough to get clear on what you want with your life and then bold enough to cast the vision, donā€™t stumble in this step. The struggle is part of the process. It is refining you. It is remaking you. Honor the struggle.

The people who quit are the ones who think struggle shouldnā€™t be there. But what if the struggle is placed there to see if you really want it? There are a lot of people who are casual about life. So they give up on the first onset of struggle and this is why they arenā€™t UNSTOPPABLE. But friendsā€¦avoidance is a great strategy for short term comfort. It really is. You can avoid the discomfort of change all you want. Youā€™ll be comfortable for awhile. But itā€™s also a great strategy to guarantee long term suffering. So pick your hard.

Hear me on this: You donā€™t have to have the big fancy things in order to make your vision come trueā€¦what you need is to be in motion towards the desires on your heart. Itā€™s the daily forward momentum towards the things that matter to you. Expect the struggle. Honor the struggle. Move thru the struggle.

Thereā€™s a story of the vine and the branches in the Bible that says ā€œHe cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful.ā€

A few years back I was studying this passage and really marinating on it. I began to think about wine country, naturally, because itā€™s such a beautiful image of vines and fruit. And I got to thinking about when a branch is being pruned, it happens with a tool that a person is holding in their hands. A gardener canā€™t prune a plant far awayā€¦they are close. So if Iā€™m being prunedā€¦if Iā€™m in the struggleā€¦I also remember that God is near. In your most uncomfortable moments of being pruned, molded, shaped, refined this year, please know that God is so so close in that process. Heā€™s cutting away all the things that canā€™t come with you to get to the vision you have. Heā€™s lovingly doing it so you can be healthy and growā€¦not to stop you.

So when you face trials this year, know that itā€™s the pruning. That itā€™s a necessary part of the process. And that God is near.

Stage 4: MAKE IT LAST.

The last stage is when it really gets fun. Itā€™s my favorite part of this process. Itā€™s where we make MOMENTUM bc weā€™ve built so much CONSISTENCY. Itā€™s in this space that you truly start creating the life of your dreams bc itā€™s become an integrated part of WHO YOU ARE. Thatā€™s when you know youā€™re becoming UNSTOPPABLEā€¦when you can embody your goals as simply a piece of WHO YOU ARE.

And a huge part of ā€œmaking it lastā€ is continuing to grow + make moves towards your best self even when youā€™ve lost the energy or motivation you once had. Because hear me out:

FUTURE YOU is depending on CURRENT YOU to keep the promises PAST YOU made when you were really excited.

How do we do this? Well I want you to remember that energy is generated. I donā€™t want you to HOPE you have energy or HOPE you have motivation. Hope isnā€™t a strategy unless youā€™re a victim. I want you to learn how to GENERATE it. I want you to walk into your day creating the kind of energy + motivation you need to keep showing up to your calling.

Think about itā€¦a powerplant doesnā€™t have energy, it generates it. What a powerplant does is it takes energy from one source and transforms it into a higher source so it can transmit it. As humans we complain about our energy all the time. And so often weā€™re trying to find energy in all the wrong places. How are you managing your energy throughout the day? Is it with hits of caffeine or sugar or scrolling social? Because all of those things can give you a dopamine hit pretty quick, but it doesnā€™t last and itā€™s not real. What about LIFE GIVING REAL DOPAMINE hits? Movement, fresh air + sunlight, cold therapy or a cold shower, meditation, and hydration? Youā€™re either being intentional and generating the energy you need or youā€™re simply going thru the motions. And to ā€œmake it lastā€ you canā€™t go thru the motions anymore friends. This is where we live with FOCUS + INTENTION.

And Iā€™ve talked about this beforeā€¦the idea of energy management. We all have the same hours in the day and our bodies all have different times when there is MORE energy naturally for each of us and less. For me Iā€™m at my best earlier in the day and a spike usually late afternoon. But try getting me to do anything creative right after lunch or in the evening Iā€™m usually toast. Iā€™ve learned this about myself and bc of that I give myself strategic resets throughout my day. Iā€™ve also learned that when I host workshops or trainings, like the coaching calls I do for The Sisterhood Membership or when Iā€™m in a big launch phaseā€¦those are really high energy moments for me and I know that the following days after I have to take intentional time to be alone and refill my energy tank. Iā€™m learning how to manage my energy in ways that work for me and in order to make it lastā€¦with whatever it is youā€™re trying to achieveā€¦youā€™ve got to do the same. Seasons of push + intensity are going to be important, but also seasons of rest and going inward. It all matters.

Like I saidā€¦we all have the same amount of hours in the day. The difference is that some people are managing their energy in productive ways and other people are burning themselves into the ground. So go back to what I said about the long gameā€¦about slowing down. About remembering that you have time to accomplish all of this, but you wonā€™t if youā€™re burnt out. And you canā€™t be UNSTOPPABLE if youā€™re completely empty, right?


For the FIRST TIME on January 15th, Iā€™m hosting a VISION BOARD WORKSHOP to kick off the year. Itā€™s called YOUR UNSTOPPABLE SELF and my goal is to help you create a VISION for 2024 that makes you want to show up and make PROGRESS towards it. So often we skip the KEY STEPS of becoming UNSTOPPABLE bc we dive right into action and then get burnt out, overwhelmed, and frustrated when we donā€™t make progress. 

I want this year to be DIFFERENT. I want to teach you how to become UNSTOPPABLE. 

In this LIVE workshop youā€™ll get:

āœŗ a digital/printable goal setting workbook that will help you reflect on the past, create a vision for the future, and bridge the gap to make those dreams a REALITY. 

āœŗ a 90 minute workshop where Iā€™ll guide you through the process of creating a vision board that not only aligns with the goals you set for your BEST, most UNSTOPPABLE self, but also reflects the habits, behaviors, and routines you need to adopt as well. 

This goes BEYOND visualizing your "dream lifeā€ and then letting it collect dust for the rest of the year...youā€™ll be creating a deep sense of OWNERSHIP for who you are when youā€™re AT YOUR BESTā€¦laying the foundation for a year that can truly be UNSTOPPABLE. 

āœŗ and then youā€™ll also get a digital vision board template via Canvas to help you create your vision board OR use as a guide to make a physical one if thatā€™s your jam, too. 

Can't make it live? No stress ā€” once you snag your ticket to join us you will have access to ALL materials, including a replay of the workshop after itā€™s over. 

If the start of the year has you feeling excited for a fresh start, but unsure of where to begin. Or maybe you see the goals you have but the gap feels really freaking big. Or you just keep finding yourself on the same hamster wheel each year feeling like your efforts arenā€™t actually getting you to your goalsā€¦THIS IS FOR YOU. 

If youā€™re ready to make 2024 + trulyā€¦BEYONDā€¦UNSTOPPABLE, then Iā€™d love to have you join us in the YOUR UNSTOPPABLE SELF VISION BOARD WORKSHOP. šŸ¤


As we step into 2024 and wrap this up I hope + pray you can embody these 4 principles of becoming unstoppable - getting clear on what it is you truly want to pursue + who you want to be, taking time to craft that vision for where youā€™re headed, put in the work and make the journey REAL by doing the dang thingā€¦even when itā€™s tough, and make it last by being the kind of woman who doesnā€™t give up.

Your journey is unique and there is NO LIMIT to the potential you have my friends. I want you to walk away feeling that and believing that. Remember that future you is depending on current you to keep the promises youā€™re making right now. Consistency is you superpower this year. And the power to be unstoppable is IN you. I know this bc youā€™re here. Youā€™re growing. Youā€™re learning. Youā€™re reading a blog about BECOMING UNSTOPPABLE. So I know you want this for youā€¦and I want it for you too.

Iā€™m rooting for you and I canā€™t wait to see how 2024 is the year you truly become UNSTOPPABLE!


PSā€¦This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.


TOP SELF CARE TRENDS IN 2024 šŸ–¤šŸŖ©šŸ§˜šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø
