ARE YOU ROBBING FUTURE YOU?! {how to LEVEL UP your relationship with MONEY 🌱}

In today’s post we’ll chat thru…

② Three things to consider when LEVELING UP YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY.
③ How to JOIN US THIS SUMMER in The Sisterhood Membership


Hello HELLO! And welcome back. We’ve been in launch week over here for The Sisterhood Membership…which, if you’re new around here, is basically an extension of the work we do here. It’s the online growth based community where you get up close and personal with me as your coach talking thru all things growth, self care, and leveling up your life.

And so this week has been launch week. The topic we’re diving into this summer is all about YOUR MONEY MINDSET so that has been on my brain A LOT lately. And in honor of that topic I wanted to have a conversation surrounding an area you might be robbing a future version of yourself from without even realizing it. And that’s in regards to YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH MONEY.

Everyone has a relationship with money. And just like any relationship there are highs, lows, in-betweens, and unique experiences that shape and mold the way you see and view money. Our relationship with money begins at a very young age. And everyone has their own unique relationship with money based on this. Without realizing it, your relationship with money can come from how the people around you handled and talked about it. This could have been your parents, teachers, grandparents, siblings, anyone of influence as you were being molded as a child. And it could even have come from what we read in books or saw on TV. All these small interactions lead to how you accept money as adults as well as how readily you spend, save or gift money to others.

Based on all of this…we typically do one of four things -

  • We admire what we saw and take it with us into adulthood.

  • We didn’t love what what we saw modeled and do the opposite.

  • We do a mixture of both…take what works, leave and change what didn’t (my personal fave).

  • Or we mindlessly take zero notice which means our habits + relationship with money ultimately become a direct reflection of who and what have and are influencing us (the scariest one by far).

Ya’ll. Money is an essential part of our lives, yet many of us don't give much thought to our relationship with it. I fear we fall too often into category four. But mindlessly taking zero notice and ultimately living life kinda on auto pilot in this area…gosh it is ROBBING A FUTURE VERSION OF YOU bc our attitudes, beliefs, and habits toward money have a significant impact on our financial well-being. So my goal today is to help you LEVEL UP your relationship with money…no matter where it is. Bc the truth is, if we don’t take what works for us and leave and adjust what no longer serves us when it comes to money…it will ultimately rob you of a future version of yourself who is living fulfilled and abundant in their life. And please note…I didn’t say rich and swimming in cash. I said fulfilled and abundant - which looks and feels different for every single one of us. My goal is to help you figure out what that looks like for you today so you can keep making moves to that future version of you that’s gonna be so grateful you put in the work to heal + evolve your relationship with money. Let’s dive in. 🖤


Leveling up your relationship with money starts with knowing your VALUES. For most of us, our relationship with money was molded so early that it might not even be tied to what WE value, but probably what your parents or those you were influenced by growing up valued. Part of leveling up our relationship involves acknowledging and letting go of perspectives and narratives that no longer serve us. For example, someone in my family said “money will always be a problem” and that stuck with me. But. I don’t want to think that way. So I have to know what MATTERS MOST to me and align my words and choices with that.

So. What do you value most? Do you know the answer to this? Gosh…it can seem like a really simple question, but it's a question that I think we don’t spend enough time really reflecting upon or sitting with. What do you value?

Knowing the answer to this question can offer so much clarity bc when you know what you VALUE you’re better able to protect everything that fits inside of that box. I like to say -


When I know what I VALUE I can visualize that version of me. And when I can see HER…I can make choices that honor that person. This helps me really get clear on what my best and highest self would do and the choices she would make. Even and esp when it comes to her money.

When you define your core values, you’re essentially deciding what you believe in and rely on as guiding principles for your life. They can be anything from family to hard work to personal freedom. The core of who you are is defined by the core values that guide your every day life, decisions, and even your life’s purpose.

An exercise that I do with women I’m coaching involves going thru a laundry list of core values such as achievement, adventure, love, generosity, family, wealth, education, creativity, leadership, etc and crossing out words until you’re left with only your top 5. Ya’ll. This is a tough activity bc there are so many things I’m SURE you value, but to really figure out what makes you tick is deeper work. So I challenge you, figure out your top 5 core values and then ask yourself -




So when it comes to money…let’s start there - WHAT DO YOU VALUE?


After you know what you value, the next step in leveling up your relationship with money is deciding what you actually want. I’ve talked about it on a previous episode but a book that radically transformed my relationship with knowing what I actually want and what “ENOUGH” looks like in my life is called “The Power of Enough.” In the book, the author Lynn Miller digs into the idea of CONTENTMENT - which is two fold - first, looking at “stuff” and seeing what meaning we place on it, and then, putting “stuff” in its proper place. “MORE” doesn’t always mean we’ll be content, yet we live in a world that stuffs itself FULL on this idea. That’s the American Dream. The accumulation of more, right?

And this has been my life. See stuff. Want stuff. Get stuff. See better stuff. Want that more. Get it, too. Healing my relationship with money has required me to come face to face with my definition of ENOUGH and truly decide WHAT I ACTUALLY WANT.

I’m not sure if this is resonating or not, but can you see areas in your life where STUFF has consumed you? Have you ever considered what ENOUGH looks like to you in your life? What’s enough money? What’s enough of a house? What’s enough work? What’s enough as far as cars go? What’s enough on Amazon? What’s enough for your phone usage? What’s enough? And then what do you ACTUALLY want? Is it in alignment with the values you just set for yourself? Or is it a path / prescription that society gave you to follow and chase?

Learning the POWER OF ENOUGH and DECIDING WHAT YOU ACTUALLY WANT for yourself is key to leveling up your relationship with money. In a society that constantly pushes us to strive for more, embracing the power of "enough" is a radical act of self-love. It cultivates gratitude for what you ALREADY have and reduces feelings of inadequacy and comparison. And it allows you to not allow money to control your life but gives YOU agency over what you want.

Once you know what you value and what matters most to you, you can set goals that align with that vision.


This is probably the trickiest and stickiest piece of this, bc often times WE are the ones standing in our own way, right? If you KNOW what you VALUE. And you KNOW what you WANT. The last piece of the puzzle is MAKING IT HAPPEN. One question I’ll often ask myself or women I’m working with when it comes to goal setting is -


More often than not, it’s gonna come down to your FEARS and your CHOICES.

Let’s start with FEAR. Fear can be a huge barrier when it comes to making your financial goals a reality. Whether it's fear of failure, fear of success, or fear of the unknown, these emotions can paralyze your progress. It's crucial to acknowledge and address these fears head-on. Are you afraid of not being able to sustain a certain lifestyle if you change your spending habits? Are you anxious about investing because you fear losing money? Take the time to understand the root causes of your fear and challenge them head on bc managing fear doesn’t mean we get rid of it altogether. Often managing fears means we take action anyway.

Which brings me to CHOICES. Often our choices are the very thing standing in our way. We know what we’re afraid of but we can’t seem to do the thing. I’ll tell you…fear loves this. Bc if fear can keep us stuck than it’s mission is complete. A couple things that can help you level up your relationship with money even when you’re afraid -

BE A CONSCIOUS CHOICE MAKER - Every financial decision you make either moves you closer to or further away from your goals. Cultivate awareness around your spending habits and the impact they have on your overall financial self care. Basically, think before you spend.

ALIGN YOUR CHOICES WITH YOUR VALUES + VISION - Remember your VALUES + VISION from earlier?! Make choices that align with those. Before making a purchase or investment, ask yourself: Does this align with my values and priorities? Will this decision bring me closer to my financial goals, or will it hinder my progress?

PLAY THE LONG GAME - Consistency is queen when it comes to making lasting changes in any area - money being no different. So don’t be afraid to play the long game and go slow and steady with your journey. Cultivate habits that support your goals and get back up when you fall down, bc it happens. The only way to truly ROB future you is to GIVE UP…so play the long game.

SEEK SUPPORT - And this is gonna be my FAVE tip and what we’ll land on today. Don't do this journey alone, friends. You were made to grow and evolve with like-hearted humans. And if today’s topic is resonating with you and you want more, this summer in The Sisterhood Membership we’re diving deep into all things YOUR MONEY MINDSET. If my style of coaching and this space is your vibe then you’ll love what we’ve got going on in the membership space. It’s an extension of this where I help you add more tools to your toolbox each and every season.


▫️assess your current money mindset

▫️peel back your beliefs about money + the psychology behind it

▫️develop a growth based mindset surrounding money

▫️visualize your ideal financial situation + set goals to move towards her

▫️explore how to be mindful with your money + learn how to track your spending + savings

▫️become a generous steward of the resources you have, no matter your financial situation

IDK what goals you have in your life or what’s laid on your heart when it comes to taking care of you + evolving into your BEST SELF. But I do know from my own journey that I couldn’t do it alone. I had to get around other women who were on a similar path…with a similar heart beat for growth. They say you’re like the 5 people you spend the most time with and ya’ll…10 years ago when I started my journey, I didn’t have those people in my physical presence. I had to FIND THEM. I had to PLACE MYSELF IN SITUATIONS where I could get around those like hearted women.

And that? Well that’s transformed everything. It’s what allowed me the courage to build a life I’m obsessed with and create visions that aligned with my true desires and values. And now I deeply desire to help you do the same. All you gotta do is rip the band aid and join. Head to before the doors to summer enrollment close on June 2nd. Never forget that you’re not made to do life or your journey alone and I can’t wait to welcome you in as we dig into all things YOUR MONEY MINDSET this summer.



PS…This website includes affiliate links. If you click and purchase, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products + tools that I have personally reviewed, love, and/or use. You can read the full statement HERE.




SUMMER in the SISTERHOOD ☀️👯‍♀️ - all your Q’s answered